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Jimin manage to get to first hour's door approximately 5 seconds before the bell rang. After letting out an exasperated sigh, he waited patiently for jin to get out of class. Luckily for Jimin he didn't have to wait that long, Jin was the fifth student out. Jimin grabbed Jin by the shoulder and pulled him aside.

Startled, Jin whipped his head around loudly saying "What-?" He immediately lowered his voice upon seeing Jimin's face, "Oh- What up?"

"Jhope wanted me to tell you..." Jimin started but Jin zoned out of what Jimin was saying, doing a breif scan of Jimin with his eyes. Starting from down and slowly trailing his eyes up. 

Of course Jin notice the hickeies but he didn't let his eyes linger on it too long. Instead, Jin found himself staring at Jimin's eyes that were displaying a very rare emotion. Jimin's aura turned pink, not puppy love pink but peach pink, like a sunset. Pink with hints of light orange in it. Its the color of embarrassment. Between that and the hickeies Jin was confident that his hypothesis of what the other was doing instead of attending class must have been true. However Jin didn't seem to care about any of that anymore. Jin was way more interested in Jimin's current expression. 

Jimin ended his message delivery asking "kay?" for conformation that Jin received the message. When Jimin didn't get an immediate answer he finally focused on Jin and realized that Jin was staring dead at him and with a smirk on his face no less.

"Uh...Helloooo? Earth to Jin~!" Jimin started saying trying to bring Jin back to reality, waving his hand in front of him trying to get Jin to refocus on reality.

But Jin’s eyes remain focused exactly where they were before and his smirk laxing but remaining plastered as he answered  "Yeah Jimin?"

Jimin pouted cutely, "did you hear anything i just said?"

"Nope," Jin said honestly, "but what's-"

Jimin hand immediately went to cover the biggest one of the hickeies that decorated his skin.

"its nothing..." Jimin said through tight lips, eyes refusing to meet Jin's.  Jimin could feel the faint blood rush that Jin could see physically tinting Jimin's checks, complexion rosier by the second. Jin tried to contain his laughter but it was no use, a single chuckle manage to escape his lips, seemingly disguised as a scoff.

"What?" Jimin responded in an annoyed tone, embarrassment still present but slight diminished. 

Jin failling more and more miserably to hide his laughter back had busted out a smile while saying, "Nah its nothing," another chuckle escaped, "I promise-" a handful of more chuckles escaped, "Its just- you're too cute, that's all Jimin."

Jimin tilt his head to the side in confusion at Jin's antics and that shattered whatever last shard of self control  Jin had left. A practically full blown howl of laughter(just like a fit of jin's iconic windshield wiper laugh) came out of Jin. After taking a quick breath jin said, "It's just if this is how cute you look like after the after math I just got to imagine how cute you look like during the event the aftermath was created in."

A small gasp came out of Jimin causing him to sarcastically dramatically put a hand over his mouth before he said, "Jin! You raging homosexual!"

"YAHH!!" Jin yelled instantly to which Jimin just brushed off before continuing, "Whatever, Just watch over Yoongi during 4th. That was the message Jhope wanted me to relay. I did my civil duty and due diligence, so now I gotta peace out and head to my next class and you should do that too unless you want to be late as well. Bye!"

With that Jimin bid adieu and disappeared in the crowd leaving Jin to find his own way to his next class, potion class with Namjoon.  Though it didn't take long for Jin to walk from first hour to second, Jin 's perception of time while walking was considerably messed up. His body was on auto pilot, feet seeming to move autonomously while jin was sky high in his thoughts. Thinking about none other then Jimin who he just left.

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