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AN: I'm alive so here's an update ily btw💖😊💖

"If I give you a bag I just so happen to have can you please promise me that you'll let me go through your ingredients for our class' assignment?" Namjoon asked.

"Why do you need to go through them?" Jin retorted back at him. 

"Oh you know, I just want to make sure you dont accidentally kill yourself or others. It no big deal honestly but I'm just a tad bit worried since you brought up one of the most deadliest substances in our world." Namjoon said in an initially humorous tone that turned serious.

Jin zipped up his bag after he finished packing all of his stuff except the ingredients. "Okay, fine, I'll be sure to get your seal of approval on all my ingredients before I do anything. Are we good here now?"

Namjoon placed his bag in Jin's hand that was already held out waiting for the bag. "Yup!"

Jin then quickly shoved all the ingredients in the bag given to him and then bolted out the door hoping to make it in to his next class on time. 

Eventually, he made it to vampire 101. Unfortunately, however, by the time he got there most of the seats were full. Though it was never really assigned people just knew who sat in certain place. For example people just know that Jin sits next to Bambam so his usual seat was empty and waiting for him to taking it. As he walked to his seat he avoid a particular gaze. For sure it was Jungkook. By now Jin didn't even need help to figure that one out. Jin took his seat next to Bambam without bothering to spare a single second to look back and check if it was in fact Jungkook who was staring at him.

"Students," mr Vladimir address us all as soon as the bell rang again signifying that the time to walk to your next class was now over. "It has been brought to my attention that I do not teach in a 'fun way'. I've received a surprising amount of complaints about my teaching methods and while I can proudly say that I could in fact careless about this I have decided that you all will do a project for this apparent "fun" you all claim to desire. You will all be partnered up, one from the human world and one from the world beyond the veil. Once partnered up you will talk to your partner about the similarities and differences between the two. I expect a one completed paper front and back anymore then that will not be read or graded. I will only be giving credit for those whose names are on the paper so be sure to put both of your names on it. The paper will be due tomorrow and I will not be putting you into pairs so figure out who your partner is on your own. And before it is asked repeatedly yes you may move seats for this assignment."

As per usual,  however, Jin had paid no attention to what the teacher had to say and spent the brief lecture time on sketching in his sketchbook. So naturally he snapped out of his artist train of thought when he suddenly heard the loud noises of everyone starting to move about. He looked up to try and see what was happening only to be greeted by Jungkook beaming that ridiculously cute bunny smile of his. 

"Will you be my partner?" Jungkook asked excitedly.

With an genuinely puzzled expression, Jin said, "What?"

"For the project, will you be my partner?" Jungkook elaborated.

Jin, not knowing what project Jungkook was talking about, decided to role with it and slung an arm around Bambam saying, "I am flattered by your offer, honestly, and while I would love to be your partner I can not. You see Bambam over here and I have already decided to be partners."

"Uh, actually Jin, " Bambam started to say while taking Jin's arm off of him, "Jackson and I are already partners so if you want to go be partners with Jungkook go ahead and do it."

Jin slowly turned his head around so he could face Bambam and give him the death glare he so deserved.

 "I don't to be partnered with him!"Jin mouthed inaudibly.

Jackson popped his head out from behind Bambam's mouthing back, "tough luck buttercup, Bambam is mine"

Take a deep breath in to try and calm himself without sighing Jin turned back to Jungkook who said "This means you'll be my partner, right?"

Jin not wanting to vocalize his fate aloud for fear that it will set it in stone merely nodded in agreement. Jungkook enthusiastically said great before grabbing Jin's hand and pulling him over to a seat all the way in the back row by the window.  Once they were settled down jungkook turned over to face Jin before saying, "So how do you want to go about this project? Type it or write it? Should we plan first or maybe exchange phone numbers or emails so we can work on it after class?  Or we could do it at lunch together. If we want to do it in handwriting I'll volunteer to do it, not because I have good handwriting but because I'm faster. And sh-"

"Slow your roll there Kookie," Jin said putting out a hand singling for him to stop, "Way too many questions at once there. what was this paper on again?"

"To compare the human world to the veil, i think," Jungkook answered.  Jin thought for a second before he continued, "We'll plan first and then .... I guess you could stop by my dorm room when your classes are done and we can finish it there. Is that fine by you? When is your last class anyways? actually you know what scratch that last question because I already know." 

"Meeting at your place is Great!" Jungkook says with his bunny smile making a comeback. The thought of him getting a chance to see a glimpse at Jin's daily life outside of class under normal circumstances was suddenly very appealing to him. Meanwhile Jin fliped to the back of his sketch book and started making a T chart. He made the top and the two sides all as equal as possible, decing the top box was for similarites and the 2 sides as the differances between the two places. 

"So now what ?" Jungkook asked after Jin finished making the chart. 

"I guess we talk." 

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