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"So we've already covered politics and social hierarchy. What else did our teacher wanted us to report about? Are we missing something or is that it?" Jin asked Jungkook. The two had finally finished going over there previous notes they had taken and compiled it all into a coherent essay, one that Jungkook was slaving away to type while Jin loomed over his shoulder to read it. Jin made corrections, suggestions, and helped jungkook edit the essay as he went like a backseat driver but Jungkook didn't mind that all. In fact he was elated with the way the situation was unfolding. When Jin first walked into his room he seemed a bit hesitant to walk in, let alone to sit on Jungkook's bed which quite honestly took up most of the space in the room. But as they carried on with the project Jin had gradually gotten more comfortable with both the scenery and Jungkooks presence. Enough so that Jin was now sitting directly beside him indian style with one folded leg behind jungkook and Jin's face looming over Jungkook's shoulder, which meant that right now his face was right next to Jungkooks. It took a good chunck of will power on jungkook's side to resit the urge to turn his head and connect their lips.

"Culture. We're missing cultural things and/or events."

"Okay so do all vampires have some kind of cultural event?" Jin asked Jungkook rather boredly.

"Actually yeah. All vampires celebrated this one thing but different covens celebrate it differently and there's not like a set date for it or anything. Its kinda of like a coming of age ceremony and in the past it was called the celebration of the first kill. As the name implied it was to celebrate a vampire's first kill as they realize their true nature. But tradition changed with time and now its known more as a celebration of first taste rather than kill. Each coven goes about it in their own way but my coven treats it as a coming of age ceremony. We take all of our coven's fledglings that have yet to dine on the living and put the in the center of a room with humans with older vampires watching from a far, kind of supervising. The idea is to teach fledglings the importance of consent and restraint. In modern times we can't just go around killing people and leaving a trail of bodies so we teach new vampires how to restrain themselves, to take only what they need. And most importantly we uses it as an opportunity to teach them how to take what they need through pleasure rather then pain."

Jin remembering some of the gossip surrounding jungkook earlier said, "Your coven is one of the most powerful and well known covens on this continent, right?"

"Yeah. My coven is one of the longest surviving vampire coven to ever exist. We have one of the purest oldest bloodlines and are one of the biggest clans. that is until my grandfather and my father did some dastardly things," Jungkook had stopped typing a little while ago but now he had closed the lid on the laptop and turned to directly face Jin.

He locked eyes with him before continuing, "My dad was born out of wedlock but his mother abandon him and left him in my grandfather's care. So My grandfather rose his son under false pretenses, He told my dad and the reset of the clan the his son belonged to him and his wife at the time, my grandmother. He told my grandmother that he found my dad abandoned outside and wanted to take him in without any controversy and my grandmother, who has a kind heart agreed to take care of my dad, with out knowing that he was the product of my grandfather's cheating. Then my dad went and married a hybrid and had me. My dad was kicked out of the coven for his choice in lover but my grandfather took me from him and raised me himself. The entire coven practically hates me because of what my dad did and because of what I am, a golden breed rather than a pureblood vampire. My grandfather on the other hand praises me for being a golden breed, because it means I'm stronger then everyone apperently, that I'm special."

"That's rough buddy, but i get it, i think. Your clan prides themselves on their pure lineage but your grandfather pride's himself on strength. My teacher from first hour mentioned that strength and bloodline is what determines social standing rather then money and color like it is in the mortal realm." Jin said while patting Jungkook's back in attempt to comfort him.

"Well for what it is worth your teacher is right. Anyways that's enough of my shitty backstory. if I go any farther into it then this who knows what might happen, maybe flood gates or anger. Both don't sound too pleasant so..." Jungkook opened his laptop and started typing again.

"What about you guys? Do you all have cultural events or something? A coming of age thing??"

"Yes but they very based on religion, region, and heritage. Some girls celebrate with big parties on their 16th or 15th birthday. Others just wait till they turn the legal drinking age in their region and then friends and family will get them wasted to celebrate. I think Japan is the only place with a full on well thought out coming of age cereomony," jin responded, happy for the change in direction of their conversation.

Jungkook eventually got around to finishing typing up everything, and from their Jin took the laptop. Jin layed down on the bed stomach in the matress and legs up and crossed as he started to read their word document with and editor's eye. Jungkook took the time to stare at the view of jin he was getting.


here's a late update, which i'm sorry about i only have 2 days left of school so there's that.i need yall's help for the next chapter. should jin stay the night in jungkook's room or should he go back to his room where yoongi and jhope are?

Also If you all suddenly have a lot of free time here are some shows i recommend based off the fact that you're reading this book

Kdrama on viki
●SweetMunchies (bi-curious/openminded chef poses as gay to get a job to pay off his dad's hospital bill and keep his restaurant. With a righteous heart motivated by money and a gay younger brother to guide him he ends up in a love triangle between a struggling female tv show producer and a somewhat closeted male fashion designer.)
●To the Beautiful you (girl crossdresses to enter an all boy school to get closer to her crush. The kid she befriends is basically the definition of gay panic and i gave him the nickname squishy squishy)
●moorim school (An Idol has supernatural powers so he ends up in a school hidden behind a magical barrier)
●Tales of Nokdu ("I am your mother" say the main male lead to the love interest, i think thats enough info as is)

●sotus (gay engineers)
●The Magicians (a sex positive magic show whose main characters are bisexual, featuring a gay king and polyamory. warning tho I personally got triggered with julia's character arch so skip her in all of season 1 and half of 2 and then you're good)
●Voltron (gay space dad with 3 sons and a pretty much gendernetural kid who is ace)
●Lucifer (explanation should not be needed)
●Bromance (my explanation shall summary to you all is to just read that title again and let it sink in)

●together with me (2 best friends, one gay and single, the other straight and taken, reunite in college after not seeing each other for years. they go out for drinks to celebrate, leave with two girl and continue drinking while playing a daring game. the girls dip but the 2 guys are wasted and horny af. shit happens. remind you I, the author of this book, recommend this bc its good.) ●2gether (gay guitar au that you need)
●why r u? (literally about a guy whose sister curses him to be in her fanfic. A sister who wrote a bl fanfic about her own brother, and her book just so happens to be very popular in his college.)
●Dark blue moon (because we stan healthy relationships, idols, and coffehouse + gangster AUs)
●Theory of love (stereotypical softie guy falls for his best friend who is a total player. has a lot of cliches but it was really good and it made me cry. truely a work of art)
●Love by chance (cute tall rich guy gets bullied alot but short nice guy always comes to the rescue. Highkey short guy's entire personallity is just "i dunno much about anything but I do know that i like seeing cute-tall-kid so imma just roll with it and we'll see where i ended up)
●my engineer (soft uwu. 3 couples. 1) everyone already calls them wife and hubby but its just a joke. . . unless??? 2) Clueless soft boi who doesn't really know what love is x a hopeless romantic who really aggressively likes soft boi to the point where he bullies the soft kid into giving him roses everyday. 3) Tattooed dog loving foriegneer x chatty smart upperclassmen who is a plant lover)
●Tharntype (acquaintances to enemeies to friends with benefits to lovers. This happens before love by chance and characters in here are in love by chance with different actors)
●untill we meet again (soulmates get another chance at love in a new life with more supportive parents. You will cry)

●great men academy (a girl wishes for true love and wakes up in a male body who ever her lover is diffenitely has a preference wheater they know it or not
●2 weddings and a funeral (A gay guy and a lesbian marry to get parents off their back and sor that the lesbian can adopt a kid with her girlfriend)

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