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"Jimin, would you like to come to the front and show the class your wings?"

Jimin  choked (I dont actually mean choke, he like did a spit take but with out water and I dont know how else to explain that)

"Not particularly, no I would not like to do that," Jimin told Ms. Holiday shivering at the thought. 

"Don't worry Jimin I won't let a single person touch you. It will be alright," Ms. Holiday could see that Jimin was still not convinced. She sighed, "Okay if you do this for the class I'll give you an A on the midterm and you won't have to take it. Do we have a deal Mr.Park?"  

Jimin shook her extended hand and smiled wickedly, "We do indeed!" Another sigh escaped her mouth as Jimin bounced towards the front, realizing she walked right into that 'trap'. She looked up and realized that most of her class was giving her a look that demanded an explanation for her last sigh. "Faeries are trouble makers that can only tell the truth. Think of it like a genie, when you make a promise or a deal with them they will held up their end of the bargain and, just like genie, the out come will not be favorable. Us fey can't help it, we love making deals, promises, and bets weather we are on the wining side or not because doing so usually builds tension and causes more drama."

When Jimin reached the front of the classroom he turned around with a wink so that his back was facing the rest of the class. He then quickly crossed his arms, right over left, in front of his self, grabbed the ends of his shirt, and pulled it up over his head and off of him. He did it this way so that his wings wouldn't get caught in the fabric. Jimin then spread out his wing extending them fully for everyone to see. 

A choir of small little gasps could be heard along with comments like; "That's so pretty!" "Wow~!" "Those shoulder blades tho mhmm~" "Yummy"

Jin himself had his breath literally knocked out of him. Eyes wide with wonder and admiration. Jin had to admit Jimin looked breathtakingly nice. Underneath the cute sweaters he wore he had a thin waist, seemingly smooth skin with zero blemishes, solid well-built biceps. Jin might of thought he was straight but he certainly wasn't blind. You'd have to have brain damage or be legally blind to not realize he was good looking.

"Now as you can see faerie wings are incredibly thin and semi see-through (opaque) .  The solid dark lines of color that you see are Jimin's nerves and muscles. The thinner lines are his nerves do not mistake them for veins. With the exception of the muscles, the rest of the wings do not have nor need blood almost similar to and earlobe. However, they do have nerves so if you were to cut the thin see through part of a wing Jimin would not bleed but he would cry. The nerves in the wings enable faeries to feel  what happens to their wings. If they wings get cut the nerves send a chemical signal to the brain which causes the sensation of pain. It also let's the brain know if they bump into something or if someone is touching it. "

"And we all have nerves, it's part of the nervous system, but the nerves on wings are more sensitive than the ones with in the skin." The teacher picked up Jimin's shirt from where he dropped it and tossed it right at him. "Okay, thank you Jimin that's enough of that. Please put back on your clothes and sit down."

Jimin turned around showing off his chocolate bar abs and girls started whistling.  They all let out a sigh of disappointment tho when he finally did put back on his shirt.  "That will be it for today's lesson you are all free to leave now or stay until the bell rings it matters not to me."

Jin quickly raised his hand, "Ms. Holiday what about the question I never got to ask yesterday?" 

"Oh, um yes of course go ahead and asks away." 

"I wrote it down it should be in here somewhere," Jin said as he started rummaging through his bag for his notebook. When he found it he quickly flipped through trying to find the page he write the question on. "Here it is!-" RING RING RINNNNNGG. 

"Oww, so close! Try again next time?" Ms. Holiday suggested unsurely, shrugging when she replied. 

Jin groaned and begrudgingly started walking to his next class. He walked in and sat down right next to Namjoon roughly dropping his backpack down beside him.

"About yesterday I-" 

"Forget about," Jin said cuting him off.

"What?" Namjoon thought that he would be mad about what happened in the cafeteria for sure.

"Look, let's just say that day never happened. I just don't want to talk about it right now. It would fuel my already burning anger and I need to let that stuff go so just leave it alone, k?"

"Okay?" Namjoon rose an eyebrow unsure about the whole situation but he didn't press it further.

Mr.G from next door knocked on the door of the classroom. Sighing he entered the room and the class went silent. "Hi everybody," Mr. G waved  akakwardly. "I'm Mr. G from next door for those who don't remember. Ms. Deveaux isn't here today so for now you are with me." He grabbed a stack of paper  and started flipping through them "um...... It says here that today she was supposed to start the protection potion with you so..." Mr. G trailed off thinking about what he was going to do with a bunch of witches.

"I will be teaching you about you ingredients! I'll take you to my garden and explain the different types of ingredients you have at your disposal and there practical usage. Yeah that sounds like a good idea!" 


For those who haven't notice this is a Jin-centric multi-k-fandom book. And not necessarily a Jinkook book. I don't really have a designated ship for this book I'm just writing it as I go.

Now for the personal stuff:


Let me know what some of your favorite kpop bands/groups are and who are your biases. 

Also I tried to dye my hair like v

Apologizes for any and all grammatical errors I haven't edited it yet. And please remember to vote, share, and comment!

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