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This chapter is brought to you by spring break, my procrastination (to do homework), and lunch/snack break.

The second Jin walked into the classroom he felt two pairs of eyes land on him. Jin looked around trying to find who was staring at him. The first one he found belong to Jungkook and it was a gaze of gratitude. Jungkook and Jin made eye contact and Jungkook gave Jin a grateful nod and small smile. The second, was Hyunjin's enraged glare. Jin made a smart decision to ignore both of them and made his way to his seat next to Bambam staring at his feat the whole way there. When he sat down next to Bambam he heard the sound of a backpack being placed on their desk right next to Jin. He looked up to see who decided to move next to him and it was none other than Jackson. While Jin generically didn't want anyone sitting next to him other then Bambam at the moment, if someone had to sit on the other side of him Jin had to admit that Jackson was his first choice. He smiled up at Jackson saying, "Let me offically welcome you to Blood Sucker 101, My name is Seokjin but please just call Jin."

Jackson laughed at what Jin said. A vampire calling their class blood sucker 101 willingly out of their own free will? The thought had him cracking up. He then extended a fist, which Jin fist bumped, and said "The name's Jackson, Jackson Wang. I am a werewolf and clearly do not belong here but thanks for the random kindness." 

"No problem bro, to be honest I don't think I am suppose to be here either so I get where you are coming from." Jin told Jackson. 

"You don't say, let me guess Headmaster Cheerful stuck you in here with no context too?" Jackson questioned.

Jin thought about for a second. I mean my dad is a vampire but that was before they had me, Jin thought hopefully silently to himself. But the headmaster also said that he was physic so... "I'd say little to no context. I came here because everyone thinks I am a physic but I swear that they are just extremely vivid nightmare. I mean I alway see something bad and it never comes true." 

Jin paused, the last vision he had kind of did come true tho. The only thing different was the location, instead of the front of the school it was a hallway. Regardless, Hyunjin was lying on the ground just like in Jin's vision. And Hyunjin did have the exact same schedule as Jungkook's, because he was Jungkook's body guard so he had to follow him every where. Jin's eyes grew wide with the realization as he grew more and more silent, but he quickly shook his head. Deciding not focuses on that he took out his sketchbook, yes this class had been so boring that Jin decide to invest in a sketchbook for entertainment. The second the lecture began he directed all his focus on the sketchbook in front of him and started zoning out while drawing. (AN: he's sketching completely zoned out. to everyone else he looks mega focused on his sketch but in side his head he could care less, he's like thinking about other things that are completely unrelated to his art. Him drawing is like a kid with a fidget cube its just keeping his hands busy)

Meanwhile, Bambam spent the whole class staring at jackson, laughing when he caused a commotion during class and smiling to himself the rare times he saw jackson settle down taking notes without disturbing anyone. Jackson despite being one of the worst students in their whole year and class and being a werewolf in a vampire class, he seemed to be a diligent student. Jackson aggressively wrote down a massive amount of notes in a completely blank notebook that he had decided would be reserved for this class only. He consistently asked questions when he didn't understand something and considering that he was learning about vampires in a vampire class when he's species is like their natural born enemy it was understandable why he would question litterally every thing. He asked the most obvious stupid questions that everyone in the room, except maybe Jin, already knew causing the class to laugh up a storm at the dog's stupidity and the teacher to lose his paitence. 

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