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"Are you a princess, baby boy, or baby girl?"

Baby girl but I've been told I have my bratty moments so everyone better treat me like a damn queen

"How's it feel being worldwide Handsome?"

I'm not *a portal open's and jin from the future comes out of it puts a hand over younger jin's mouth and looks directly at the camera* It feels fan- FUCKING- tastic! *walks back into the portal yelling* i did it yoongi, you owe me twenty bucks, bitch better pay up before I cut your crown jewels.

"Are nervous on when you'll find out if you a vampire or banshee or both?"

Not nervous because it's not going to happen. I'm just a normal dude with some realistic dreams everyone I know is mistaking as visions. Just because my parents aren't normal doesn't mean I have to be not-normal to. They were both normal people when they had me. I mean this is basic genetics, punett squares you know. I'm not really sciencey but I'm sure if you ask Joonie he can give you the proper estimates.

"What do you think about the gang so far?(Jungkook, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung,Hoseok, and Yoongi)"

The most chaotic group of thirsty-ass gay hoes I have ever seen. Seriously, it like having a harem all to myself except they are all dudes so opposite of ideal. First, impression of Jungkook was brooding, ice cold prince who isolated himself but lately my impression of him is changing he's starting to seem more caring and nice-ish. Eh maybe that just his smile deceiving me. Namjoon is pretty nice, super duper helpful, and has these dimples that just UGH okay but like I don't know why but whenever he is at lunch with us he switches into jealous boyfriend mode and its super weird but I don't mind because he got me out of Kookie's death grip once. Jimin on the other hand is solid best friend material he's easy to get along with and seeing him ramble on a bit is usually cute, especially when he realizes it later. And if first period taught me anything its that Jimin is catch,  still not gay but those are some mighty fine biceps. Taehyung seems nice enough but a bit depressed, he looks like a kicked puppy and I think its from his break up with Jimin, so I ship it. I  want to know what happy Taehyung looks like. Hoseok is a bit gossipy type of gay but he also seems truely devoted to that little devil Yoongi. The whole thing still baffles me to this day. And Yoongi is just tumblr personified if you minus the fandoms. He's sassy, mean, gay af, can't sit properly because it would litterally kill him, ect.


"Would you ever date Jin? If he stated he were to be gayz of course- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Um...*shrugs shoulders* Sure...I guess. Jin seems nice enough and if the feelings are mutual I'm down. As long as my grandfather doesn't kill him fist I don't see why not. Hyunjin might get mad at me if I suddenly started dating though. He's been mad a lot lately which is a bit strange for him, /I remember him having a lot more patience before coming to school. *sighs* *Thinks of Jin* soft smile and small giggles* I like it when Jin calls me kookie now that I think about it. I noticed how beautiful his smile is too when I glanced at him during lunch. I wonder if we started going out would I see his smile more?

"you like Jin? Cause it made you sad that he choose jimin over u lols And he made u smile Its him right?? AND UR THE VOICE that he talked to right?? Yee its you"

I wouldn't necessarily say I like Jin. Since the first time we met in class he was weird. He was hardcore staring at me that day, and I mean I'm practically royalty so staring is usually a package deal. But Jin didn't just stare, he was glaring at me. Everyone usually stares in awe or avoid looking directly at me in fear but Jin openly glared at me. It was unique, and extremely strange. That day he gave me back my schedule I pulled him back because I wanted to ask why he does that. When I did that I felt something, I can't quite describe it but what I felt left me speechless. Literally, all the words in my head kinda evaporated.  But after seeing him save Hyunjin I started realizing that maybe he's not such a bad guy. Him saving Hyunjin took this huge weight off my chest that I never realized was there till it was gone. Sure the whole 'your subconsuoious will sacrifice something to save him' sounds absolutely terrifying but rather then losing something I felt like I gained freedom. That weight being gone made me happy enough that I started to smile again, not just at Jin but in general. 

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