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"I never did thank you for helping me out back then." Jin said making direct eye contact with taehyung.

Taehyung shrugged, "It's no big deal really if anything I am just sorry that I couldn't get you to your floor."

Dinner, for the most part, continued to be pretty uneventfully boring after Taehyung's arrival. Jhope and Jimin got knee deep in gossip with Taehyung occasionally joining in on the conversation. Jin tried getting into the conversation but it just simply didn't catch his attention, so he found himself staring past taehyung who sat directly in front of him. Jin's face unknowingly lit up at the sight of Jungkook making his way towards him from the complete opposite side of the cafeteria.

"Hello? Earth to Jin~!" Jimin, who noticed the change in Jin's demeanor, waved his hand in front of Jin. "What are you staring at?"

Jin jumped at the chance Kookie was giving him to leave his friends side that was currently boring him to death. Upon seeing Kookie only a few feet away Jin abruptly stood up with a huge, most likely fake, smile on his face. "Kookie! You made it! I was starting to think you'd never come." 

Taehyung and Jimin whipped their heads around to see jungkook standing right behind. Jhope who was also witnessing this event unfold mouthed Jin's nickname for jungkook with and astonished expression. Kookie? Since when did Jin give him a nickname? Does this mean Namjoon has competition for my son's hand?

Jungkook while puzzled by Jin's statements decided to roll with it. "Of course I'd come! You know I'd never leave you alone if I could."

Jin started to get out of his seat and walked over to jungkook's side where he slithered an arm into jungkook's so he could firmly grasp Kook's bicep. "Anyways,  me and kookie have a project we need to get done tonight so i'm going to be leaving first."

"Wait-," Jhope said as the pair had just turned around to start their escape,"What about namjoon?" 

Jin rolled his eyes and sighed, "I don't know, he's probably busy finishing his project for our witch craft class that isn't due till two days from now."

Jin and jungkook try to make their escape for a second time and once again get stopped, but this time its by yoongi. "Jin, Jhope is staying the night in our room, nonnegotiable, do what you want with that information."

Jin let out a loud painful "ugh whatever!" while murmuring a "quick let's go kookie before they can do anything else."

Although jin meant it sarcastically and to himself, Jungkook heard the request loud and clear and it made him let out a little chuckle because he just found it super adorable when jin said that while gripping his arm a bit tighter. Jungkook swiftly picked jin up saying "sir yes sir" and then bolted to the door at full vampire speed. 

For jin it was if he had just blinked, he was suddenly in Jungkook's arms in front of the door and far away from his table of friends that he had been at a mere second ago. Jin just sighed as Kookie set him down, "You know I didn't mean that literally."

"Yeah. But I also know that you appreciate me getting you out of there as fast as possible," jungkook retorted.

"You got me there.  Anyways you heard Yoongi, he's gonna be staying in the room with his boyfriend so I think we should finish up the project in your room so we can give those two a bit of privacy for a little while."

"Fine by me. " Jungkook said right before he walked through the door that telleported him to his room's hallway. Jin followed him through the door making sure to just think of jungkook's room so that way the door would take him to the right place. Sure enough he ended up in the same hallway Jungkook was in. Jin personally felt that the door had a 50% chance of working or failing to get jin where he needed to be so he was relieved it worked this time.

Eventually the two arrived to the door of Jungkook's room and jungkook opened the door inviting Jin in. 

"Please feel free to make yourself at home while set up life support for my laptop." Jungkook plopped down on his bed pulled the charging cord for his laptop out and dropped his bag down on the floor next to it. He then leaned over and extended his arm to reach the out lit before moving back so that he could lie comfortably in his bed with laptop on his lap. meanwhile jin just stood awkwardly at the door fidgeting with the door handle as he contemplated wheater he should stay or go.

Jungkook looked up at Jin and noticed his stiffness. "Jin, do you plan on writing the paper at the door or....?"

"Yeah no I'll come in. Its just that this room was not what I was expecting your room to look like at all." Jin walked over to the bed, which is what took up the majority of the room in this particular dorm, and sat on the very edge of it. The room while spacious enough alone it was currently feeling small as the size of the bed took up the majority of the room's floor space, at the bare minimum it must have been a full. the ceiling was littered with those cheap glow in the dark stars, a minute detail Jin would have almost missed if not for the fact that jungkook went through the extra step of making some of the stars dangle from the ceiling. the bed frame was black and his sheets were maroon in color. rather then a comforter he had a hopefully faux fur blanket neatly fold at the end of his bed were jin was currently sitting at. He also had three cloud lights dangling from the ceiling each in a different place at a diffrent height. And to top it all off he had lined the ceiling with those color changing lights and lined the walls with a bit of rose vines. 

Definitely not the vibe jin was expecting from jungkook. 

"What did you think my room would look like? Gothic victorian decor? a coffin with a collage of my favorite heavy metal bands modgepodged to it?"

Not to be a basic human being but yes, that was exactly the stereotypical room jin had invisioned jungkook to own. "I thought it would be bigger. I mean don't you have a room mate that's supposed to live here too?"

"Yeah I do. His room is through that door and the door next to it is the bathroom. We like to keep to our selves." jungkook responded pointing at the two doors that blended right in with the bathroom.

Hi everybody! I hope you're all safe and healthy durring this quarantine season.

Please send drama recommendations and kpop (or krnb) suggestions!

Im dying from boredom. I haven't really heard any new stuff except for nct New thing, bts On Filter and Blackswan, Ice age, movie star from cix. I've kinda just been blasting oldies like fiction from beast, wake me up from bap, again and again from 2pm, ect.

Drama wise im watching Welcome(cat boi) and hi bye mama. All languages welcomed rn, im also watching 2gether and finished basically all the good thai shows.

Im looking for romcoms, if ur reading this book u already know that i like queer stuff, and i HATE horror. (Shows in English are also welcomed, im suffering fantasy withdrawals bc i finished the magicians on Netflix and lost girl and grim)

Looking forward to suggestions

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