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Jin had helped Jungkook move Hyunjin out of the hallway and on to a bed in a room. "He should survive long enough for his body to completely heal by itself, but I really think you should take him to a medical professional who equipped to deal with supernatural patients."

Jin turned to leave but Jungkook grabbed his wrist and turned him around. "Thank you... for saving Hyunjin," Jungkook said softly.

"Don't thank me. Hyunjin isn't walking and talking just yet. What happens now is on your hands because it was your sacrifice that you made. I don't know if it was enough to keep him alive forever but for the next 24 hours he should be breathing. That's all I can guarantee. So please whatever happens just don't come out and kill me later."

"I won't come after you no matter the out come. I'm just grateful for your help." Jungkook assured Jin who was currently exiting the room. "If you're so grateful how about you return my pink sweater to me at lunch, okay?"Jin hollered down the hallway.

Jin turned and started walking down the main hallway, quickly realizing that he had no idea where he was or how he was going to get from his current location to his bed room. "UGHHhhhh! All I want to do is sleep! Preferably on a mattress with a blanket. Seriously, that's all I want! I don't even need a pillow! I don' thinking I'm asking for much..."

A familiar head popped out from behind one of the many doors in the seemingly endless hallway. "Jin!?"

"Bambam," Jin simply stated. Bambam started walking out of the room and towards Jin. "Dude, what are you even doing here? Wait a sec- is that blood on your shirt?!" Bambam pointed to the corner of his white tank top most likely died red from trying to save Hyunjin's life. Jin followed his shocked gaze and notice the red stain. Normally he would of been equally as concerned as Bambam was but right now Jin just seemed indifferent. The miniscule amount of blood staining his shirt was nothing compared to the amount of blood that had been on his hands a few minutes ago. Nothing even remotely close to the amount of blood Hyunjin had lost.

"Yeah it is. I guess things got a bit messy, " Jin stated emotionlessly. Bambam was a vampire so seeing blood shouldn't bother him, in fact it should be a regular thing for him. But it wasn't. Seeing blood anywhere outside of a blood bag terrified him. It reminded him of the day he was attacked, the day he forced into his new life of being a vampire. Cursed to hurt other people so that he could survive. It reminded him of the time he almost hurt his younger sister.


He didn't know that he was a vampire at the time, it was three days after the accident and he still hadn't drunk any blood. He tried to eat and drink like he normally would of but it just made himself sick. His family was worried about him not eating anything and his little sister was just trying to help. She spent the whole day making her brother's favorite slow cooker meal and after hours of waiting it was finally done. She platted all nice and pretty and loaded it on a tray to carry it up to Bambam's room. When she got to his door she balanced the tray on one handed and knocked on the door with the other. "Hey Bambam, are you in there? You know Mom and Dad are starting to worry about you. I know the doctors said that you were fine but you haven't aten much of anything the last few days. The last time we saw you eat at dinner you threw everything up in record time in the bathroom. They're also worried about you because you've locked yourself up in this room..."

"Do you wanna....I mean we could talk about it...if you want to of course. I mean I'm not going to force you to talk or anything I'm just saying we could..if you open up the door you could tell me all about it.. And I come bearing gifts! I made you your favorite, Monglian steak. It was surprisingly easy to make but It took way to long to cook so I made brownies while I waited... And I made you hot coco with whipcream, chocolatechips, marshmellow, and cinnamon sugar on top just the way you like it..." She tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. She sighed I really didn't want to have to use this... I'm guilt I'll admit I baked one more thing. Seasalt caramel chocolate ship sink dish cookies. They're freshly out the oven too! And they are all yours if you open the door."

Bambam caved in and finally open the door. He lit up at the sight of all of his most favorites foods in the world. She held up the tray of food and handed it to him with a knowing meme smile to his surprise he acctually managed to let out a chuckle. The two siblings laughed for a second and eventually they were both sitting on his bed eating and talking. Bambam took several bites of everything making sure to leave nothing untouch and while his taste buds enjoyed the meal his stomach did not. He could feel his insides turning screaming at him to get it out of his system but Bambam didn't listen. He told his sister how eating made him feel ever since the accident and she told him that it was most likely and eating disorder brought on from stress and shock which was the aftermath of the accident. As the only medical student in the house Bambam listen to her and ate regardless of what he felt inside because she told him that she needs to eat to stay alive.

"Do Bank and Beer(their older brothers) know about it? About my accident?" Bambam asked (AN: I swear to you I'm not joking when I say he has two older brothers one named Beer and the other Bank. Google it if you don't believe me)

"I'm not sure about Beer but Bank knows. He scheduled a flight right after his investor meeting in America to see you. I know they're not exactly the best big brothers but their ours so go easy on them the next time you see them. They'll try to make it up to you, you know that right?""I know that. Did you know your cooking skills have finally started to improve?" Bambam joked trying to change the subject to something much more lighter. She gave a small chuckle and said, "Yeah right. Anyways I'm going to go put these dirty dishes down stairs and comeback up with the cookies."

She grabbed the now foodless tray and started to walk out when she tripped over one of Bambam's things. The bowl shattered and Bambam ran to her side. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Should I-"

"I'M FINE BAMBAM! I'll be alright it was just a small little fall. The bowl got it worse then I did." She started picking up pieces of the glass bowl and putting it on the tray. "Don't touch that! You could get hurt! What if you got- cut," Bambam pulled her hand away from the danger zone only to see that he just caused her to get cut on a sharp edge. It was deep enough to draw blood.


After that you can pretty much imagine how he flipped the switch, attacked her, and how he ran away from home the second he realized what was happening. Seeing that blood on Jin's shirt reminded him of that time. When Bambam meet him this morning he smelt human not vampire. He thought that he must of been one of those who was about to turn. When Bambam inhaled at this moment in time he smelt human and vampire blood on Jin and he couldn't tell which blood was Jin and which blood was on his shirt. Bambam panicked thing that he could be going through what he did when he first turned. He quickly grabbed Jin's wrist and pulled him into his room and lock the door behind him.


Special shout out to ainatashaboon For reminding me to update this time.

When you guys comment me that you guys want me to continue and that you want the next chapter it reminds me that I have to finish the chapter I was working on and post it. So if you want more updates keep in mind that I forget because of all my school work and that your comments are reminders for me.

Also please remember to vote, comment, and share this with all your army friends! And I would really love it if all you lovely readers can read my other book as well.

As always thank you for reading and look forward to the next chapter.

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