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"Did you just turn? Did you kill one of the humans here at school? Is that why you suddenly smell like a vampire?"Bambam asked rapidly not giving Jin any time to answer any of his questions. "No I-"

Jin's breath was knocked away by Bambam roughly pinning him to the door by his shoulder. Bambam didn't mean to pin him. He just meant to grip his shoulder and Jin was already close to the door so the little force used closed the distance. Bambam also roughly laid a hand on Jin's jaw. Now that one was intentional.

He lowered Jin's jaw so that his mouth was open and then turned it side to side. He was checking for fangs to make sure that he didn't, couldn't hurt anybody. Unfortunately, Jin didn't know Bambam's true intentions . From his point of view he has just been assaulted and accused of murder. Like any sane person, he shoved Bambam as hard as he could yelling, "What do you think your doing?! Get off of me!"

Bambam stumbled backwards a bit before he feel to the ground ass first (he tripped backwards incase that wasn't obvious). "What the Hell was that for?!" He said in a questionably loud manner.

"I don't how about for assaulting me?! Or better yet for accusing me of murder!" 

"Fair point," Bambam responded as he started to get up and dust himself.

"What was that all about anyways?" Jin question less aggressively than before, already silent forgiving Bambam's assault. Life is just to short to hold a grudge you know?

"I'll tell you if you tell me what the deal is with all the blood on your shirt, " Bambam bargained.

"Long story short witchy bitchy vampire from lunch was dying and,  like the kind person I am, I saved his life. Blood was everywhere when I got there and my clothes just absorbed it." Jin explained poorly. 

"That explains the vampire blood I smelt..." Bambam thought out loud silently to his self. "Wait a second..bitchy vampire..from lunch ...  JUNGKOOK GOT HURT?"

"Not Jungkook. The other one, his boyfriend probably. I don't know -" Jin was cut off by Bambam's realization. "Oh Hyunjinnie."

"Your turn, what the hell was with you a few minutes ago? I get that blood stain is cause for worry but for what you did... ?" Jin purposely let his words trail out  not wanting to finish. 

"Oh. That's kind of a long story," Bambam started. "Great because I have a long time from now till dinner so why don't you tell me all about." 

Bambam started go explain why he did what he did to Jin. He even told Jin what happened to him and his sister in the past. Jin simply listened to Bambam. He heard him out not once interrupting or judging the other for what he did. It was just Bambam and Jin sitting together on Bambam's bed talking for hours together. Bambam did most of the talking and story telling of course, and often times he would ask Jin for his opinions. Jin being Jin answered every question rather honestly. Jin shared a few short stories here an there of similar moments and his life. Before the two realized it, it was already time for dinner. 

The ringing sound of a (church like) bell could be heard through out the campus letting everyone know that it was time for dinner. "I guess we should get going before all the good stuff is taken." Jin said with a sigh as he shifted back to a sitting position on the bed. At some point during their therapeutic like conversation he decided that he would lay back into the bed(from sitting with his back up and deciding to lay down by putting his back on the bed idk how to describe that good)  

"Dude our school is literally magical. Trust me when I say that there is no way they'll run out of food. And if they do they'll just poof up some more." Bambam said dumbly.

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