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Jin finally made it to where Namjoon said his next class was, in between the cafeteria and the library tower. Now what he didn't know was how he was going to get from here to the next floor down. There wasn't an elevator anywhere near by nor was there a sign that said Basement This Way. Thus leaving Jin effectively lost. Luckily, for him a stranger was walking near by. He promptly went up to the stranger and asked, "Sorry to bother you but you wouldn't happen to know how to get to the basement from here?"

"I'm actually headed down there now. You can follow me there of you want," the stranger replied with an odd kind of niceness. Jin didn't really know how to describe it but he just got a bunch of weird vibes from the stranger. Odd vibes but not bad. He seemed nice enough. The stranger noticed his hesitation and decide to add on to his last statement, "Don't worry dude, I won't bite unless that's what you like."

Jin gave a small akward laugh and agreed to follow the stranger. They quickly found their way to the stair case and made there way down. While Jin found the silence between the two comforting, the other was going to go insane if he didn't talk so that's what he did. Talked. "So what class do you have that's down here?"

"Vampire 101, what about you?" Jin fired back keeping the conversation going. The stranger smiled and his eyes seem to widen a little bit. "No way! I'm actually head to the same class as you," The stranger stated excitedly.

Jin's train of thoughts instantly went to the vision he had with the bloody schedule in it and while he still wasn't sure about weather the guy next to him was a good guy or not Jin wouldn't wish that kind of pain on him or anyone for that matter. "Hey let me see your schedule for a second. I wanna see if we have any classes together."

"Fine by me but only if I get to see yours too." The two of them were already on the first level of the basement and we're walking to their class when they both decided to compare schedules. Jin took a quick glance at the stranger's schedule and sighed in relief. "How come you only have 3 classes?! That's totally not fair, " the boy complained.

"It won't last long, trust me. I'm almost 100 percent positive that I'll be having a normal amount of class before the week is over. Maybe then I'll have another class with you," Jin told him. The other boy just groan and muttered yeah right. After 30 seconds of silence the two arrived to their class room. When the two walked inside the classroom Jin noticed that the class was fairly empty, at least for now. Only a few people where there. The two guy decided to stick together and sat down next to each other. "I'm Jin by the way."

"They call me..." the stranger slowly started to lift up his arms.

"The dab master," the guy said while clearly dabbing. Jin was not convinced, but he found it funny none the less when said/ did that so Jin gave a small chuckle at him. "Ah-huh, sure they do. But what is like you're actual name?"

"Well my actual name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul but since no one on earth, excluding thailand, seems to be able to pronouce my name I typically go by Bambam," The silver haired stranger said. In all honesty Jin found the nick name to be a bit strange. Who would willingly want to be called something so childishly? "Why Bambam?"

"It was the name of my favorite character on the Flintstones," And with that new bit of information Jin found the nickname to be more reasonable. There is always that one character you liked as a kid that had what you use to consider an ultra cool name and if that happen to be Bambam for him than Jin wasn't going to judge him.

Bambam noticed how Jin softly hummed in approval as more and more students came inside. The second the bell rang the last student walked into class. All the talking and socializing ceased right then, just dead silence. Obviously the lack of noise caught Bambam's attention, which in turn caught Jin's attention as they both focused on the almost late kid.

Right off the bat Jin noticed how strong his aura was. If described in color it would be lots of black, some purple, and a little bit of red. He seemed a little bit ticked off more than anything else, like I don't want to be here combined with I'm hungry. But Jin sensed that it was more than just that, that something bad would happen and soon at that. Bambam noticed Jin physically shiver before turning his attention away from the student and towards the teacher. Other students started whispering things, gossip and rumors.

"That's him, isn't? He's the one from one of the oldest vampire household that still exist."

"What a shame for such a good bloodline to go to waste on someone like him."

"I heard his father kicked him out." "And I heard that his grandfather took him in."

The hushed words continued but it did not go unnoticed. After all it was a class for vampires, not only do they have ears but their senes are sharpened making even the slightest whisper as clear as day. The boy turned to give a piercing glare at one of the commenters which got everyone to stop spiling tea pretty fast. Not that Jin cared about the guy, the rumors, or anything really. In fact the kid gave him goosebumps/heebeejeebees. Jin could care less about what was happening around him because he decided to preoccupied himself by tracing the Mario sticker on his phone. It wasn't untill the teacher started taking role call when the class finally managed to settle down into silence and Jin finished his copy verison of Mario.

LONG Author's Note AHEAD

AN: I'm back!  Sorry for a slight shorter chapter after a week longer wait. I just started and transfered to my school where I apparently had a bunch of summer assignments due that I wasn't even aware exsited. So I had to do two months of work for more then 2 class in one weekend. fun. 

But i'm back now for whoever actually likes reading this fanfic. 

When Jin meets every member of bts in the story I'll be posting everyone's stats. Their age, in my story, what they are and probably the reason why I chose that. Comment if you'd like to see the other members schedule!

After that post for every new character I introduced I'll leave their stats in AN section and include a picture. (So that way you'll visualize them with the right hair color cause Kpop always be changing that)

 (So that way you'll visualize them with the right hair color cause Kpop always be changing that)

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