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The next morning Jin woke up to a pleasant smell right under his nose and something soft in one of his hands. Jin inhaled the pleasant smell, letting the scent linger in his mind as he gently sunk his hand further into the softness of whatever it was, taking a moment to relax and work up the energy to wake up and face the day. After what was most likely no longer than a minute and a half of that, Jin eventually opened his eyes only to find a shirtless Jungkook in black sweatpants sleeping peacefully in Jin’s arms. Jungkook’s head lying on Jin’s shoulder as kookie laid cuddled into the crook of Jin’s arm. The soft thing Jin was feeling up was Jungkook’s hair.  The thing that smelt nice and was under Jin’s nose was Kookie’s hair. Apparently, Jin’s other hand, that wasn’t tucked under Kookie, was busy holding Jungkook’s biceps and he had a leg over Jungkook as well, but he suspected that it had been Jungkook’s fault. Seeing as how Kookie’s hand was firmly clapsed on to said thigh, as if to lock it in place there meaning Kookie had been caught red handed.

Their current position was most definitely something the sleepy Kookie must have orchestrated because Jin wasn’t clingy. Granted, Jin’s not complaining about it. Jin wasn’t cuddly clingy or anything but he does admittedly like to have something in his hands when sleeping. Jin blamed it on his parents enabling his plushie addiction, but he essentially has a little bit of a hard time sleeping with out something in his hands or knowing someone is near. Most times it was his pillow in his hands, sometimes it would be a bottle of water, and back when he lived with his aunt he was able to fall asleep as long as her cat was napping on the bed or night stand near it.

Jin was still playing with Kookie’s hair as he thought about this which had finally gotten the Kookie to wake up. Jin had only realized Kookie had woke up when the fluffy mess of hair under him had moved. Kookie looked up at Jin with a sleepy smile plastered on his face before squinting an eye open to make eye contact with Jin. In a sleepy voice he asked “Oh? Jin? Is that really you or am I dreaming again?”

Jin sighed softly with a small smile pulling on his lips.

 “it’s really me, Kookie,” Jin said patting his hair gently in an attempt to reassure him.

Kookie only responded with an affirmative little hum before instantly going back to his original snuggle place and even burying his head further into Jin’s chest.

“I love it when you call me Kookie,” jungkook muttered into Jin’s chest thinking it be to distorted to hear.

“Then I’ll do it more often if that’s what you’d like,” Jin said softly before leaning in towards Jungkook’s ear to whisper, “Kookie”.

Jungkook was rather extremely grateful that Jin couldn’t see his face at this moment in time because he was positive that he was blushing deep red. No one ever really dared to call Jungkook anything other than his name(most likely out of fear for one reason or another) let alone a nickname or a term of endearment. Kookie was the first nickname he’d ever receive from someone that has a positive connotation. Although Jin thought of the nickname as a casual friendly gesture, Jungkook saw it more as a term of endearment. After all, Jin was the only person to ever give and use a nickname for Jungkook. He was the only one that treated him nicely with out being forced by his grandfather, the only one that treated him normal.

Granted they had a bit of a bumpy start. But in hindsight Jungkook could see how his constant glare in class would be off putting and how a stranger death gripping your arm while staring at you wide eyed in the middle of the cafeteria with everybody staring definitely didn’t help his situation. Even with that terrible first impression Jin had tried to give him back his schedule and helped him save Hyunjin which was the closest thing he had to friend. Jungkook, at first, had found Jin’s kindness prevailing through his obvious discomfort intriguing which lead to him watching Jin, curious to see what other intriguing things he did. Between that and his interactions with Jin, Jungkook began admiring Jin for a bunch of reasons. -“ You know,”

Jin started interrupting Jungkook’s thoughts as he shifted his focus on to what Jin was saying, “you’re actually more of a softie than I thought you would be.” 

Jungkook hummed again in response to signal that he had been paying attention but honestly that was a bit hard to do when Jin’s fingers hypnotically worked their magic on his scalp practically lulling him back to sleep.

But eventually the two’s cuddling moment had to an end and go on to their class and eat breakfast. Said ending had came in the form of the morning bell signaling that the cafeteria had just open to start serving breakfast. Which meant that Jungkook and Jin had only an hour left to get dressed, eat breakfast, and get ready for classes. The two untangled themselves and started getting ready for the day, starting off with doing their morning routine in the bathroom together, minus the morning shower. They brushed their teeth and washed their faces while passing things need like clockwork, with out the other even saying. Then Jungkook started changing while Jin was busy gathering all his belongs and shoving it inside his bag. Jin finally got to his clothes he wore yesterday, he decided to put back on his skinny jeans but to stay in Kookie’s shirt. Campus was cold though and since he opted to not wear his long sleeve shirt he wasn’t fully certain that he wouldn’t get cold throughout the day. 

“Kookie, do you have a hoodie I could borrow? I don’t want to take off your shirt but it gets pretty cold in some of my classes.”

“Yeah, no problem,” Jungkook said as an evil knowing smile crept on his face. Not only was Jin insistent on staying in Jungkook’s shirt for the day but he was also trying to steal one of his hoodies? That was total boyfriend material right there. He probably wants it because it smells like me, right? Of course the shirt wouldn’t be enough if that’s the case! Jungkook internally thought while handing over a hoodie of his to Jin.

Jin slipped it on easily saying “Thanks Kookie” before the two headed out on a course for the first floor were the cafeteria serving breakfast would be.

AN: Hey everybody still reading this book, I am alive and haven't dropped this book (don't plan to either). I hope you enjoyed this chapter or what you thought about. Also feel free to comment any questions you may have whether its about writing or the story or literally anything 😊 (sometimes people just need to talk to someone)

I do have a question for you guys though: how did you find this book?

Im curious because it's not like my book is the first up in the search for the tags it's under.

Also I just releast the first few chapters of an NCT fanfic I've been working on. Its my first attempt at both a social media au and trying to make it aesthetically pleasing. I went through great length and efforts to try and find song lyrics i could quote that were relevant to each chapter.

Also it still has written story parts like this book but its just has the occasional insta post chapter and/or youtube video chapter.(the beginning is a little heavy in media chapters but it evens out) I labeled the type of chapter in the title so you can avoid  those if that’s how you roll.

It's a Johnny book with a huge serving of YuMark on the side, but there are other ships as well.

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