30 (the real one)

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Jimin sat at his usual lunch table where he found Jhope and Yoongi already there and he waited for Jin to come. After first hour, Jimin had been itching to ask him something. To his surprise he saw Jin walking into the cafeteria with Jungkook. The two were smiling and then one of them must of said a joke because the two ended up laughing before drifting off to there own usual tables. No doubt Jin was probably the one who cracked the joke and if so it was certainly a terrible dad joke or pun Jimin thought to himself. 

As soon as Jin sat down at his usual table in his usual seat next to Jimin, Jimin started to speak, "As much as I would love to know what exactly lead up to you and Vampire Prince walking in together on good speaking terms, I'm not going to ask. Mainly because I want to ask you a question before I forget and lose my train of thought. Can I go through your sketchbook?"

"What- why do you want go through my sketchbook?" Jin questioned back at Jimin after he made such a weird request. Unlike most artists Jin didn't care if people saw his drawings or not. He was fairly good at art and he felt most confident with his sketches rather than the final product. Jin just never thought that Jimin would ever ask to see it.

"Because Of what Ms. Holiday said in today's lecture. She mentioned how psychic tell the future in different ways. And she specifically said that some of them draw out the future. You, being the only psychic I know with a sketchbook, are most likely drawing the future without knowing and I would like to know what is going to happen." Jimin explained

Jin just gave an exasperated sigh as he grabbed his sketchbook out of his bag. Jimin very quickly took the sketch book out of Jin's hands in one swift movement and started flipping the pages.

"who's this?" Jimin asked stoping on the second page of the sketchbook. the first page was just a really well drawn realistical flowers. The second page, however, was a sketch of a women with a sad somber smile looking out to the sea. 

"That's my mom around the time she was told that my dad died. There was a whole funeral and everything, granted, my dad's family didn't trust my mom at all so they arranged it. she had came to the beach to say good bye to him in spirit since that's where they got engaged." Jin explained.

"Oh crap! that's so sad and personal, I'm sorry that happened to you Jin," Jimin apologized realizing that he must have just reminded Jin of his fathers death.

"Oh no no no, Don't appologize, you really don't have too. My dad is a vampire so he was and still is around. He only dropped off the face of the earth for like 6 months. He died right around the time my mom was pregnant with me. Really he was just transitioning, death triggered the dormant vampire cells and it gave him a second shot at life. He stayed away until he could control himself and then proceeded to show up and run away with my mom to a new place to start a new life all while she was pregnant with me. They got married a month before I was due."

"damn Jin your life sounds kinda crazy," Jimin said as he turned to another page in the book. after a few seconds, a thought finally hit jimin making him stop staring at the book and look up at jin, " How where you even able to draw something you never even witnessed that happened in the past? doesn't being psychic mean you can only see the future?"

"I don't know. Maybe because the past was somebody's future at one point in time?" Jin said. 

"Facts for a second, psychic does not mean you see only the future. Jimin what you're thinking of is a clairvoyant." said Yoongi who now had a lowkey interest in the subject. 

"My my my do my ears deceive me or did I actually just hear you be helpful?" said jimin looking straight at yoongi.

"I have my moments" Yoongi said after sighing and shrugging his shoulders.

Jimin took a look at the next page and gasped at what he saw. there was a sketch of what seemed to be a bloody hand gripping a schedule . The schedule was complete with actual classes instead of scrible writing and the background look like the school's entrance. "WTF IS THIS?"

Jin loomed over jimin's shoulder to see the art he was referring to and said "That  was a nightmare I had and yes it is definitely a nightmare and not  a vision because it did not come true."

"there's still time for it to come true you know," Jimin murmured before he flipped to another page in the sketchbook only to find like 3 Mario sketches all on the same page, "I'm just going to go ahead and assume that this is just a doodle."

Jimin turned to the next page and it was jungkook's name written over and over again, "crush much?"

"More like feared. He had this terrifying aurora when we first met, like someone marching to their death as if the fates had long predestined it. Honestly it was sickening to see that awful Aurora but after the thing that happened with Hyunjin passed I couldn't sense it anymore which is a relief because I realize that he is pretty chill," Jin explained.

"Yeah, sure. I bet ice prince is a total sweetheart underneath all that brooding and teenage angst he seems to surround himself with," Jimin said before turning the page yet again. This time it revealed a drawing of seven drinks on a counter and pancakes, thick Japanese style pancakes. This piece was in color so it made Jimin's life easier as far as guessing what was what goes. The first mug seemed to have tea, the second mug seemed to have coffee and the the third mug also seemed to be tea, Jimin is basing that guess off of the tea bag sticking out of it. The first glass, however, had orange juice in it and the second glass had strawberry milk in it, at least that what Jimin assumed it was since again this was just a colored drawing.  After that there were two plates stacked with way to many Japanese fluffy looking pancakes and then two more drinks. One of them was a wine glass with what appeared to be a thick red liquid which, under normal circumstances, Jimin would have assumed to be wine but in context of this school it could very well be blood. The other drink was as thick brown as the coffee but had two big marshmallows in it so Jimin thinks it's probably just hot chocolate.

Yoongi,  who was looming over Jimin to look at the sketchbook, gasped when he saw the drawing.

Hi guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! Ik I said I would post that day and then didn't but I spent that week writing this and three other projects!

For those who offered help and advice: thank you all so much I  deeply appreciate from the advice and I will definitely be keeping it in mind going forward.

However I regret to inform you all that I, unknowingly, confessed to them right after their on and off partner for the better half of a year broke up with them (again). Unsurprisingly  they  made up and got back together. So I've been used as a rebound during the few weeks they weren't together, I guess. Currently I'm over it, no more tears to cry from me. Plz dont comment things like "that's rough buddy" I just thought those who helped should know what happened.

Also I got a tiktok account and I make post about all my fave artist. Very new tho so only a few videos. My username is @im_on_crack_uwu
Enjoy my one straykids video and look forward to more content

Love you all, have a good day

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