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Yoongi was still baffled as he left his class, he still didn't know who made the groaning sound in his vision and even if he did that would only mean 4 people that still leaves one of the drinks unaccounted for. Yoongi and Jhope were exclusive to only each other as far as he knew and he wasn't planning on changing that anytime soon. Threesome Yoongi might have been able to let go but an orgy was way too out there even for him. Yoongi didn't even like Jimin, not that he held anything against the younger. As far as Yoongi could tell he tends to over think everything and worries a lot which wasn't what bothered Yoongi the thing that bothered Yoongi was the fact that he worried out loud. Jimin was the source of many headaches during lunch and why he doesn't always get sleep during lunch. He seems like a handful, someone who whines, and quite honestly a self-conscious brat. Yoongi just couldn't see it happening, him and Jimin, together, and with jhope, and two other mystery people. Well Yoongi DID see it in the vision but he couldn't imagine that happening in real life.

Yoongi quickly shook his head and hit it twice with both hands in a cute manner. It's just a vision since when are my visions correct? Yoongi told himself trying to convince himself into believing that it was just another vision that wouldn't come true. But it was  not that easy to lie to himself considering that his track record for his vision were pretty spot on, some details might change here and there, but the outcome usually stays the same. This was an outcome that Yoongi did not want to stay the same. He doesn't like the idea of sharing Jhope with anyone at the moment, especially not his roommate that's about as cliche as screwing the pizza delivery kid and yoongi refused to be a cliche. He dated a god, not an angel, for fucks sakes.  Granted Hoseok was an angel to him, nicer then anyone on this planet and plane had ever been and that's why he liked him. Yoongi was a demon (Disclaimer: Not actually a demon, he just views himself as one because his parents verbally abused him saying that he was a death-bringing demon because he had visions of people dying, warned them, and they die anyway),he had always been neglected, when people liked him Yoongi could tell that it was nothing but sin behind their desires, be it lust or greed. Jhope was the first person to like him pure and simple, no sin attached to his desire until after they met and formed a relationship. Jhope was a god of love not lust so yoongi wasn't that surprised to find out that he was demisexual. 

He was just surprised to find out that someone as pure as him could love such a low-level demon like himself. It was true love what the two of them had as far as yoongi was concerned because he fully believed that no one else could love a demon like himself, a love like beauty and the beast. And on the note of Jhope being a demisexual that was just all the more reason Yoongi couldn't see the two of them being in an orgy.  Jhope liking other people, yeah sure Yoongi could see that, Jhope is an easily trusting guy who makes friends all the time, to be friends you have to like someone at a bare minimum degree. Yoongi knows that he likes his friends but Yoongi could not envision Jhope looking at people the way he looks at Yoongi, loving people the way loves Yoongi.  

Yoongi quickly entered his next class and sat down. He tried focusing on the lecture, taking notes, literally anything but his vision but all thoughts just lead back there. He was trying to figure out who the fifth person could have been. Yoongi thought about who was there to think about their connections with anyone else who might have been mystery number 5.  There was Jhope, Yoongi, Jimin and.... and.... could it have been Taehyung? Jimin's on and off boyfriend. If it is Taehyung he wouldn't have to worry about the big bad wolf coming to eat him whole out of jealous rage. That means that the last drink would have been for him, Yoongi tried to remember what that drink was. A glass of. . . . . . strawberry milk? Taehyung didn't seem like that type of guy to Yoongi. Then again him and Jhope didn't seem like the orgy type of people either so all bets were currently of the table right now, but that didn't stop Yoongi from thinking about other possibilities. He mentally replayed the vision and realized that he has to fill not one but two gaps, 5 cups not 4, Jhope, himself, Jimin, for now let remotely assume Taehyung, and that means one more person. Who?

This was driving him crazy. He realized that the black coffee was most likely for Taehyung if he was even one of the mystery men in his vision, coffee just seemed to suit him much more then strawberry milk. Yoongi was more interested in trying to find out who strawberry milkman could be at the moment. Clearly, whoever drank that had to be a total bottom. No offense to this mystery guy but strawberry milk is a little girl's drink not the drink of a daddy dom. He went through a mental list of all the people both him and Hobi knew which wasn't that long, it was mainly whomever they met at the cafeteria. They, unfortunately, don't have many classes together so the only people they both know they meet at meal time and at each other's dorm room. He crossed off Namjoon, he seemed like a total possessive sugar daddy. Crossed off Jackson because despite Yoongi being unsure of whether he topped or not or switched even he definitely seemed more like a chocolate milk dude. Crossed off Bambam real fast because the boy screamed expensive switch who gave head better than most sex demons and would only drink something high end like champagne or Fiji water. Also he was a vampire and he was pretty sure all those type of people drink is blood and shots of plasma. On that note, he crossed Jungkook off. Hyunjin was also crossed off because he clearly only has eyes for Jungkook.  Who does that leave him with?

Yoongi finished attending all his classes after zoning out and only focusing on this vision.  On the way walking down the dorm hallway his room was on he was still trying to figure out who this Strawberry boy could be. Someone him and Jhope both knew. Someone who drinks strawberry milk. Perhaps strawberry boy also like the color pink? As he walks in his room he stops dead in his tracks when he looks up. There on his couch, in his room, was Jin drinking strawberry milk and coloring with color pencils in his sketchbook. Jin looked up when he heard the door open. "Oh, Yoongi, you are finally back. Did classes end now or are you skipping?"

Yoongi looked at him shell shocked and unresponsive which Jin took as a sign for him to keep talking, "I'm your roommate by the way. Although, I would have guessed you realized that when you saw my stuff here. Then again I didn't sleep here last night so I could see how you might not know."

Yoongi walked out of their room and closed the door. Mr. Self proclaimed straight dude cannot be strawberry boy from his vision. That's it he is going to go to Hoseok and sort this whole mess out. Hoseok would reassure him and tell him how everything is fine and that they will be fine because they will always have each other. He always did that when he had a bad vision, and rather than finding it to be a lie yoongi took comfort in it. Hoseok always encouraged him to let everything out when he was with him, that he shouldn't bottle things up and that he should always feel comfortable talking with him. 


Holycrap guys!! I updated in less than a week!

Ot7 for the win at the moment.

Questions for this chapter is:
Suggestions for name of a game show?

(I want to do a short 12 maybe 16 chapter book of a game show au so help me please)

(For @Gay_Trashue and @ZaniC4T who asked what type of show it is: Essentially the type of games played each episode change one episode is going to be family board games and cards, another episode could be sports, another one could be videogames, puzzles, etc. Players gain points for winning the games most points at the end is the winner.) 

What type of youtuber would Taehyung be?

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