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"Who are you and what are your intentions with our son?" Yoongi said in a dead serious tone while Jhope stood behind him smiling at Namjoon. 

"You do realize that I'm not actually your son, right?" Jin complained.

"Jin that is no way to talk to your father!" Jhope said like a nagging mom.


"Age is nothing but a number speaking of which how old are you and what makes you think can date my son?" Jin groaned loudly at Yoongi's statement. He wish that he could just disappear right now because he was dying from second hand embarrassment thanks to his friend's parent skit. 

"Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon. I'm a warlock but I consider myself a scientist. As for age I would prefer not to tell. Please accept me and my relationship with Jin," Namjoon then proceed to bow as if he was introducing himself to his coworkers in Korea.

"And what type of relationship do you have with our son?" Jhope questioned in a lightful interested tone, ignoring Jin's dislike for the 'our son' nickname/joke.

Namjoon looked over at Jin, as if searching for his approval of the other's response. When the two made direct eye contact Jin shook his head no and made a face that just screamed 'DON'T!'

 Namjoon looked back at Jhope and Yoongi saying, "Were partners."

"I KNEW IT! I KNEW HE WAS YOUR BOYFRIEND!" Jhope was shouting with a huge grin on his face. Meanwhile, Jin was ready to start pulling out his hair from the wrong interpretation. "In ScIeNcE! We ArE lAb PaRtNeRs GaHhHhHhH!"

Yoongi grabbed Namjoon by the shoulder and said, "You have our blessing."

By this point, Jin just put his head in his hands. He's given up fighting against Jhope and the others. Namjoon placed a hand on Jin's back and started to rub in small circles as if doing so would comfort Jin. "Jin is right though. We are just lab partners, not romantic partners. We sit together in witchcraft/potions class which I suppose is the human equivalent of a science course."

"Then I guess it's a good thing I did the blessing and not Jhope or else that could of gone bad real fast." Yoongi said.

"Why would Jhope's blessing gone bad real fast?" 

"I mean, I am a demi-god so wouldn't half of my blessing have a real effect?" Jhope thought out loud. 

"Half your blessing? Babe, demi-god or not, you do realize that the LGBT+ gods consider you a full fledge member, right?" Yoongi apparently reminded him. 

"I don't think they see me that way. Maybe an honorary member, but it's not like I'm the god of the gays. I-"

"Holdup- you are telling me that there are LGBT+ gods?!" Jin shookethly screeched. 

"Yeah. If there are straight gods why can't there be LGBT+ gods?"

"Its not like we have a God of straightness. Besides humans have always had lgbt+ gods. Since the ancient times, like the gods of Olympus."

"Wow Jin I think that's the first time I've heard you say anything remotely pro lgbt+," Jimin said in all sincerity but sounding a bit sarcastic.

"You dont have to be gay to support them. People should be free to love who ever they want and others should respect their opinions. Just like how all of you should except and respect the fact that I am indeed  straight." Jin stated.

"Oh Honey~"


Thank Jisoo for bells because Jin felt mega uncomfortable with the current topic of discussion and was highly greatful for the escape. He smiled and clapped his hands loudly, "And that's it for today gentle men! See you all at dinner, probably!" Jin put a hand behind Jimin's back and another hand behind Namjoon's, ushering the two of them out. Both males turned to look at Jin with wide eyed expression seemingly say 'What the-'

"Be sure to get to all your classes on time because I would hate it if you were to blame me for your tardiness," Jin removed his hands from the two's back to put on his own backpack. "Besides, I have to get going too."

"Where do you have to go? I thought you didn't have another class period." Jimin questioned while Namjoon and the others started walking towards there next class. 

"I don't have another class. I have a date."

A date. Thats right, Jin had a date. A date with his bed. The poor kid had been sleep deprived  the past two days. He couldn't fall asleep on the car ride to the school because he was to anxious. He hadn't been able to catch a wink of sleep last night either, what with being trapped with Taehyung in his room trying not to make a single sound so that none of his roomates noticed he was there and ate him. Jin realizes now that they probably wouldn't eat him. At least, not alive. The wolves seemed kind enough to KO Jin before eating him, probably because they wouldn't want to here all the screaming. Mind you, Jin's problem was with the wolves not the fact that he was sleeping in a closet. Jin has never really been claustrophobic but after last night he realized just how grateful he should be for growing up with a full size bed and fairly large rooms. 

Jimin eyes widen like saucer at the news of Jin having a date. He opened his mouth to question Jin further about it but Jin took off before he had the chance to do so. Jin made his way to 'the door' in the cafetria and walked in, but he forgot about one thing. 'The door' is designed to take you where ever you're thinking about. Considering that Jin was thinking about how much he wanted to go to sleep that shouldn't have been a problem. Except Jin was thinking about that only on the surface. What he was really thinking about, the thing that's been constently in the back of his mind, was his vision. The one with a hand reaching out and a bloody schedule. Jungkook's schedule, covered in blood. 

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