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"Welcome to 1st year's basic 'Life' Class, you all may address me as Mr. Vaughn. There are only 2 types of students in my class the first being those who grew up around the supernatural and the second being those who are mixed coming from the human realm.  To those who fit the latter description, this class is going to be essential to you. In this class, you will learn about the different mechanics of different supernaturals. Rather than following the books I like doing my lesson plans based on my students, you guys. This way it will make the lessons more personal  and important to you since you will be learning about yourself and your friends."

Jin's first impression of Mr. Vaughn was not a good one. Before Mr. Vaughn even spoke Jin got evil detention-for-sharpening-your-pencil-too-loud vibes. But as Mr. Vaughn continued speaking Jin noticed something was off. It was when he said 'you guys' That Jin thought that Mr.vaughn may not be so bad. "So for today's first lesson, I thought we'd start off simple and go around doing brief introductions. Tell each other our name, sharing what we are or what are powers are, where you're from. Just have a little fun with it, I'll go first!"

Our teach erupted into an explosion of pastel smoke with glitter. Jimin, who was deskmates with Jin, could hear a cute little gasp come out of Jin along with a few other students who were probably just like Jin in the sense that they grew up in the human world. The smoke cleared away quickly, revealing a rather kind looking women. "I'm a faerie and what you saw earlier was an illusion type of magic my kind use called Glamour. This isn't my true form but it's what I will be using the most for this class. My name is Holiday Vaughn so you can address me as Ms. Holiday or Ms. Vaughn I don't particularly care. And I was born in Arcadia which is a place in the fey realm so I doubt nonfey people will know where that is... Anyways, it's somebody else's turn to go now."

Jin was actively listening as we went all around class give introductions. Jin decided that he would just say that he is a psychic instead of going into the whole 'I don't actually know' speech. After all, that's what headmaster Dreadful told Jimin he was.  Jin also didn't give his age nor his place of birth during his little introduction but others had. Surprisingly enough apparently a lot of the people here, in this class, came from the human realm. From America, Canada, Japan, etc. Some came here because their powers have just started surfacing and they need help controlling or just want an explanation.  Jin was glad that he wasn't the only one new to this supernatural stuff.

"My name is Park Jimin. I'm half fey, I live with my dad in South Korea but I stay with my mom every summer in the faerie realm," Jimin told the class. So he's a fairy, Jin thought silently to himself. He wasn't that surprised tho, somehow he saw that one coming. It could be worse, someone else's thoughts intruding Jin's mind said, he could be an incubus. Get out, Jin thought loudly. Seriously dude?! But I just got here! I can't leave just yet - GET OUT OF MY HEAD! Jin winced in real life and put a hand to the side of his head.

Jimin looks at Jin who did not look all right. He put a hand on Jin's shoulder, "Jin are you okay you don't look too good!" Jin groaned a bit as he straightened up "Yeah, no. I mean it happens a lot to me so I'll be fine," Jin said turning back to the front to look back at Holiday and her lesson.

"Since most of you are from the human realm and your powers have just surfaced one of the first and most important things to learn is our social ranking and how it works. The human social scale is based on money, I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong but the ones with the most money are at the top of the social pyramid and the lowest are the poor. Well on this side of the vail our social pyramid is similar to the human's one back in the ancient times. Based on blood. Of course, the rich royalty is above the poor even back then however they still judge you based on blood. Pure-blooded royalty, those born from a king and queen, we're placed higher than those who were born from a king and commoner. Mixed blood wasn't excepted on both sides of the vail. However, thousands of years have passed since then and we have grown more of a custom mixed blood. Our social pyramid is determined by how pure your blood is and how strong you are," Holiday said.

A student had their hand raised the second Holiday had paused in the middle of her speech. Glad for the sudden interest, Holiday happily lets the student question her. "So which is more important? is being pureblood more important than being strong?"

"I'd say being strong is the most important, generally speaking. It kind of differs race from race but there are always gonna be some people who will still judge you for being mixed. The chances of it happening are less and less though because in modern times there are more mixed than pure. The stronger you are the better. Purebloods are naturally one of the stronger ones in their race/species. Does anyone know of anything that might be stronger than a pureblood?"

The class went silent. Students brought up in the human realm genuinely didn't have a clue what the answer could be. Other students stayed quiet because they either couldn't be bothered or also didn't know. Holiday started again saying, "Come on, not even a guess? Right or wrong a portion of your grade is still participation. Feel free to say whatever possibility comes to mind."

"I don't know... maybe.. um," one student stated, " like a hybrid of two rival races? Does that, like, exist?"

"Yes, it does and you're on the right track. Any other guess?" Holiday retorted.

"A demigod." Said another student. "I imagine that a half god can do a lot more damage than a 'pureblood'."

"Good guess but you'd be surprised. You might not be wrong though. In all my years I've never heard of a demigod going against a pureblood. And since it never happened will never know. However, that was not the answer I was looking for, anyone else?"

"A mix of all the races, someone who has the traits of more than 2 races," said the kid in the back.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" Holiday said taping her nose for emphasis. "You're absolutely correct! People who exhibit only two set of supernatural traits are considered hybrids. People with more than two sets of traits are what we in the supernatural realm call Golden breed. They got the name from being the perfect balance of, well, all of us. The most common golden breed set of traits would be a vampire, werewolf, fey, shapeshifter, and the occasional demon. However, any set of 3+ traits is considered a golden breed and the traits are not limited to the ones I mentioned earlier. Golden breeds are valued higher than purebloods because they are rare. Usually, only one set of traits are passed down, two is uncommon, and three is a rarity. This is because a physical body can only handle so much. Which is why it is very common for Golden breeds to have at least one set of traits that carries a shapeshifting gene, commonly found in faeries, demons, etc. The shapshifting genes helps compensate for the strain the other traits may put on the person. The reason why vampire and werewolf traits are also commonly found in golden breeds is because that set of genes are highly dominated. Traits of those two species can be found in even the faintest of bloodlines."

It was at this moment that Jin raised his hand to ask a question. The sudden motion sparked enough interest for his deskmate to a least lift his head up to look at him. "Ms. Holiday," Jin began, "DING DING DING!" The bell suddenly went off effectively cutting Jin off.

"To be continued! Mr. Kim I suggest that you write that question down and ask tomorrow. Class Dismissed!" Ms. Holiday said as the class started emptying itself.

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