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When first hour ended Jin walked alone to his next class. He walked in the classroom to find his desk mate already there at their shared desk. Namjoon looked up and saw Jin looking over at him. Namjoon smiled and motioned with a hand to come over. Jin walked over quickly and dropped his bags down near bye as he took his seat next to Namjoon. For once Ms. Deavuax was actually on time to class and it started promptly when the bell rung again. 

"Now that you've all taken your seats," she said, " let's begin. As I'm sure you have all heard from Mr.G your first assignment is a protection spell/potion. You will have 2 more days to complete whatever spellwork or enchantment you want to do for your project. As for today you will use the period to gather your materials and ingredients. Feel free to work on the project on your own time if you'd like. And quick pro tip, the next full moon isn't until a while from now, so dont rely on it to strengthen your spells or charge them. Any witch who is worth their salt uses the moon to their advantage however, due to unfortunate circumstances known as nature, full moons do not casually coincide with the times I have to teach you. So long story short get use to working without the power of the moon because timing is not on our side.

"You will be presenting next week so you technically have till after the weekend is over. Now go start your projects and yesy you can leave class to 'gather your materials'."  The teacher finished saying what she had to say and then everyone started going to work on their projects. 

Jin was at a loss for what to do. He turned around and looked at Namjoon hoping that inspiration would stick him. 

Namjoon was currently in his own brand of heaven experiencing two of the things he loved at once: experimenting  with magic and spending time with Jin. He loved experimenting  with magic because everytime he did he learned something knew. And right now he was doing just that while Jin stared at him intently. 

"As much as I love the sudden interest may I ask why you're staring?" Namjoon asked.

Jin sighed before answering, "I'm staring because I don't know how you could just jump right into this assignment. Like you look like you know what you're doing, how do you do that?"

"I look like that because I do actually know what I'm doing. Protection spells and potion are pretty basic the teacher is most likely doing this to see how far our abilities have developed and their potential for growth."

"Well yeah but like what is our project supposed to protect you from? Bullies? Demons or anything else that goes bump in the night that might one day eventually kill us? Bad energy? Negative thoughts and vibes? A lack of monetary support or material needs? I don't get the objective." Jin complained, voicing all his concerns about the project to Namjoon.

"That's it though. That's exactly apart of the project. She gave us an umbrella project so that we can interpret it. What you chose to focus the protecting on shows a lot about you like possible insecurities, mental state, and weather or not you have a creative bone in your body. If you don't know what to focus on try them all out. Make a protection spell or potion for everything you could think of and then chose what you thought worked the best. 

"If you need help deciding you could always find me and ask for my opinion.  Or advice if you need it. Whatever it is Jin I'll be there for you if you want me too."  Namjoon said earnestly from the heart. 

"Thanks... I think...?" Jin said hesitantly. That last part sounded  Suspiciously sincere and sweet and the fact that Namjoon had to smile after Jin's comment was not helping Jin's heart calm down anytime soon. Those dimples are for sure becoming Jins kryptonite.

Jin started thinking about his project instead of Namjoon cute smile in hope's of settling down his heart wave. At last an idea finally hit him. "Hey Namjoon do you know where I can get mountain ash?"

Namjoon practically slapped his hand over Jin's mouth and looked both ways, making sure the coast was clear before talking back to Jin in a yelling whispered tone. "Are you crazy!? You can't use mountain ash! That stuff is Toxic to more than half of all the people in the school! There's no way they'll let you use it here!"

Namjoon moved his hand away from Jin's mouth once he thought Jin would drop the subject.

 "So my aunt was right..." Jin muttered under his breath. Jin's aunt used mount ash like superstitious people used salt. She said that it creates a barrier that prevents any evil from coming through. Only those pure of heart could enter, was what she used to tell him. Now that he thought about it Jin never actually saw either of his parents enter in his aunt's house. His aunt always picked him up and dropped him off.

This of course just further proved that he was human, seeing as how he was able to pass through the mountain ash when his supposedly monster parents couldn't. 

Jin shoved the mountain ash idea to the back of his mind and kept trying to come up with new ideas. Jin decided that he would gather everything superstitious people would use to protect themselves and make something from that. And with that mind set he went of to gather things. 

By the end of class Jin had a pile of rosemary, monkshood, a few Amanita muscaria , some peppermint plant, three baby pumpkins,and 2 cloves of garlic. He then turned to look at Namjoon who was looking right back at him with a raised eyebrow. 

Jin let out a small nervous laugh before asking, "You wouldn't happen to have any more bags, would you?"


Hi there , you lovely person who (for some reason)  still read this book. Let me know what this story remind you of?

Also if you are in high school here is some advice: don't take ap (it is unnecessary stress and you wont sleep for days trying to finish work for it)

If you are in school in general good luck and I wish you well on all assignments you have.

If you are working then I wish you get a present surprise soon(be it a raise or bonus or something else)

I hope you are all doing well because I'm currently not (I'm not depressed just unhappy so dont worry to much)

Also I just want to let you dedicated readers know that despite encouragement to put this book in the watty's I decide not to. Mainly because the process was unnecessarily more of a hassle this year then last time and partly because I just think it wouldn't do well.

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