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Late, raw unedited and unfinished chapter, sorry for the delay. I'm going to repost the chapter once i edit and finish it as 9 (NEW).

Jin tried to shake off Jungkook's hand but that just made the other tighten his grip. Jungkook stay silent, his eyes staring into Jin almost frantically. As if he was searching for something. It was a look Jin did not like. One that made him continue to struggle against the others grip on his wrist.

Jungkook finally decided to speak, "You-"

"You get your hands off my man!" A booming voice shouted from a few tables away. The two boys turned to look at the person.

Namjoon was literally fuming, his magic burning off of him clearly radiating his rage. His eyes were glowing, in fact his entire being was glowing. His powerful magic magnified his aurora enough that Jin was sure others could see. Namjoon quickly snapped his fingers and teleported to Jin's side in a second."Now!" He swiftly flicked up a glowing hand and Jungkook's hand instantly let go. His hand being held in the air, trapped by an invisible grip due to Namjoon's magic. Namjoon grabbed Jin's wrist, replacing Jungkook's hand with a soft gentler touch. He carefully turned his wrist left and right to assess how bad the damage was. He then lifted his gaze to Jin, eyes only dimly glowing hinting that he was only using enough magic to keep jungkook away. "Jin, are you alright? Does your wrist hurt badly?"

Jin was not at all okay. He could swear that his heart stopped beating the second he saw Namjoon's current expression. The man looked so sincerely concerned about his well being, it was enough to make Jin hug him. But Jin did nothing of the sort, instead he just told Namjoon that he was fine, it would heal eventually he was just going to have to deal with the bruise that would probably stay for a few days.

"What do you think you are doing?!" A guy shouted from right behind Jin and Namjoon. He turned to face Jungkook with a worried expression. He waved a hand that had a slight green glow over Jungkook's hand that was being bound by magic. "Uuri Jungkook-ah! Aish~ I'm gonna go crazy. I mean for real this time."

"Hyunjin, don't. It's okay," Jungkook said grabbing his arm to pull him back. "No, it's not," Hyunjin replied turning his head back towards Jungkook. When the two made direct eye contact Jungkook said, "I'm okay. Besides," Jungkook tossed a look back at Namjoon and Jin, "they're not worth it."

"You know just as well as I do that your grandfather won't see it that way. If he finds out that I let anything happened to you and didn't do anything about he will have my head on a spike by tommorow morning." Hyunjin shivered just thinking about it. He then turn back to face Namjoon and Jin. "Who are you two? What makes you think you have the right to even be standing in our presence?"

"What makes you think you have the right to speak rudely to us, huh? I'd be careful with that mouth of yours unless you're looking to lose more then just your head," Namjoon argued back summoning some sass he didn't know he had in him. "What was that?!" Hyunjin started to yell until Jin managed to shove himself in between the two. "I'm sure this all some big misunderstanding."

"Hyunjin, right? All I was doing was handing Jungkook back his schedule. When I tried to leave he prevented me from doing so until Namjoon stopped him. I'm sure that you want us gone just as much as we don't want to be here so we'll be leaving now." Jin quickly elbowed Namjoon in the stomach causing him to double over in pain. Jin then quickly bowed along side him quickly saying an apology for both of them and then running away as fast as possible with Namjoon in toe.


"Boyfriend?" Bambam questioned to no one in particular.

"Boyfriend." Suga deadpanned.

Jimin's eyes widen and his mouth hung over. "Boyfriend?!" He half shouted at Jin and Namjoon while pointing a shaky finger to Namjoon.

"Boyfriend!" Jhope said with a sunny smile, clearly delighted by the news.

"Okay would every body please stop saying that! Joon-ah is NOT my boyfriend!"

"Aww look they already have nicknames!"

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