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The teacher decked in all black with a black turtle next finally spoke."My name is Vladimir-" the teacher said with a thick Transylvania accent. He was cut of by a student in the back.

"Oh my God! Dude is that really your name? That's like so 18 century man! No one talks like that any more. And that accent," the speaker made a shivering sound,"could you get any more stereotypical?"

While the student in the back made some very logical points/ complaints, bambam was dabbing his head into the desk in utter despair. He was grateful for the students intrusion on the professor's lecture. If Bambam had to listen to that voice drone on and on he wouldn't know what he would of done. Jin just kept tracing the Mario stickers, he knew that there wasn't a snowballs chance in he'll of him being a vampire so he was just trying to tune them all out.

"Tis my real name Mr...," The teacher purposefully dragged off his sentence implying that the student should give his name. "Jackson, Jackson Wang," The student replied rather coolly despite clearly annoying the professor. The teach looked down at his podium and started shuffling through some papers he had. He then looked back at the student in the back, Jackson. Sighing in what sounded like Transylvanian disgust Mr. Vladimir said, "I do not have a Jackson on my roster. Are you -"

A howl ripped through the air cutting of the teacher and effectively scaring the crap outta Jin who jumped in panic. The howl was distinctively animalistic, wolf like even, and came right out of Jackson. "Hell YEAH!!! I don't have classes with the Count!!!" Jackson yelled excitedly as he slungged his back pack on one shoulder and ran down to the front of the class where the exit was. Jin and Bambam stared at the scene unfolding infront of them. Jackson quickly bowed in front of Mr. Vladimir, "I'll apoplogize for intruding on your class, intrupting you, and all the inconveniences I caused you Mr. Vladimir." He straightened up and made direct eye contact with Mr.Vladimir, "I'll leave now before I piss you off any more," Jackson turned to the class, "Peace out bloodsuckers, Gotta run!" He swung open the door and just ran. Like lightning he was just gone.

After that brief little skit Jin had on a what the fudge just happen looked and Bambam had a very satisfied face expression. While Jackson's intrusion did lighten up the entire atmosphere of the classroom, that did not stop it from going back to the depressing doom and gloom it was before Jackson interupted Vladimir by saying out loud what every one was thinking. Vladimir started his lecture all over again much to Bambam's dismay. Jin listen to the lecture drone in the background like you would listen to music as you were drawing. "You will adress me as Mr. Vladimir, not count, dracula, or anything else. Yes I am from Transylvania, I've live there for 3 and a half centuries so my accent is a bit thick, get over it.

"I can already tell that most of you have just turned or are going to turn, so it looks like I have a lot of work. Seeing as how you fledgings most likely know nothing of the history and the culture that comes with being a vampire, let alone how to keep it secret out in the human realm."

"What is a a fledgling?" some student asked.

"You are what is known as a fledgling. Also refered to new bloods, it is what people call freshly turned vampires. By a show of hands how many are you here by legacy?" A few kids raise their hand but not many because the vast majority of students were confused by what the question meant. They weren't bite but they also werent  in a coven/house so they were a bit confused by his question. "Legacy as in you were born this way, those who were not biten."

More people raised their hands but it was still less than a third of the class that were legacies. Jin for all intents and purposes kept his hand down. Regardless of whether or not he was born in to it Jin certainly wasn't a vampire, that much he was sure of. He'd would actually have to be good looking to be a vampire. Although, Jin wouldn't say he is ugly he wouldn't say he was flawless either. After all it was him looking in the mirror and people always tend to see the worst in themselves. While Jin kept his hand down he found himself glancing at his desk mate to see whether or not Bambam put his hand up. Much to Jin's prediction {one that was made entirely on observation and not on his non existent superpowers} Bambam also kept his hand down.  "Out of you legacy how many are coming from a house?"

At this point most of the students hands were down except for 3 people. Jin found himself briefly looking up to see who were from house holds.  Of course Jin had no idea what their names were but he did recognized one of them. The one that creeped him out earlier, who everyone started gossiping about when he walked in. The one who's aura made Jin almost positive that something bad was going to happen.  "You 3 will probably be more familiar with what I am talking about then legacies. Those who were biten should pay the most upright attention to my lessons since I will be going over everything you need to know about being a vampire. The difference in anatomy, our social hierarchy, our powers and their affect on us, vampires, humans and others."

And blah blah blah. That was the last memorable thing Jin could recall from the lecture. He tuned out everything and went back to drawing. Jin finished his traced version of Mario a long time ago leaving him in need of a new muse. He ended up breaking out the color pencil and sketching the creepy dude with the scary aura. He didn't really realize he was doing it he just did. Something kept pulling Jin back to him and he didn't really like it. It was probably his messed up aura.  Bambam who was bored out of his mind joined in on the coloring by snagging a couple of Jin's colored pencil. 

Eventually the class ended and the duo were relieved to finally eat lunch. As they were walking out the door Jin noticed something fall from the person in front of him. Jin picked up the paper of the floor and rushed to the person who dropped it. But by the time he looked back up the person was gone.

Jin took a look at the paper and his blood ran cold. It was the schedule he saw in his vision. The one stained in blood with a body next to it. He flipped around the paper and saw one word.  A name.


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