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After rushing to the dining hall, the two, Jungkook and Jin, made it with just enough time to fix themselves a quick meal before the magical breakfast buffet would be closed till lunch, which was hours away.  Jin was extremely grateful that he managed to snag a rather large berry muffin and strawberry milk before the food disappeared, magical buffet means food magically gets spirited away. Though the two split up to get their meal, Jungkook and Jin reconverged together on a path towards Jin's usual table where the two joined Jhope, Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung. 

Headmaster Grim walked up on the stage to the podium where he quickly reorganized some of the papers on it before looking up and catching everybody's attention. "As you all most likely know by now, yesterday a student died on campus-"

An outburst of impromptu murmuring broke out amongst the crowd of students, as they turn to one and another retelling the rumors they had heard about the death. "Settle down now everyone, please-" the crowd listened- "A group of seniors taking necromancy have taken initiative and decided to reach out to the deceased's spirit and, as of six hours ago, managed to find and stabilized a way of communication with the spirit. So those who didn't get to properly say goodbye can now go and talk to the decease's spirit to get that closure they are looking for. 

"Additionally, since this was a suicide death it has been brought to my attention that you students are going through way more stress than the average human student. Not only are you dealing with normal school induce levels of stress, but you are also learning how to use your abilities in our schools which adds on multiple new layers of stress. Stressed humans with abilities probably had a traumatic experience when their power first unknowingly arrived, humans turned supernatural are most likely suffering from anxiety, the fear that they will be accepted in neither the human nor supernatural society, in addition to the other stress factors in their lives. Your coven, clan or pack could be a stressor in your life as well. And it is upon this realization that I have decided to not only hire more guidance counselors and on-site therapists but to also raise their pay. I mention this because I want to motivate students to use these resources, I want you to know that not only have I hired more staff like this but that this staff is full motivated to give each and every student there 110%. 

"Since the class the death did occur in was the phyics class, the class has been under review since the incident. After talking to the rest of the staff on the matter we have temporarily reach the decision to make it optional. This is because we acknowledge that the class could be triggering for a few and that the visions that may occur during the class may also be a trigger for other students, one we can't control what'soever. However, we highly encourage that those with the class continue going to the lessons because we do truely believe that the best way to get a handle over this power is to practice through safe guided replicatable techniques rather than just waiting for one to hit you at random.

"Now that I've said my piece, you may all resume consuming your meal. Those with questions, recomendations, and complaints are premidted to go to the office between classes and before curfew to have whatever need be addressed. Classes will commence shortly so I do advice you to wrap up whatever your doing and get yourselves prepared for your first class. That is all. Good day," The head master stated, freezing up a bit at the end when he felt the akwardness growing. The headmaster then quickly started to make his way down and get back to his office, he carried himself with diginty but looked like he wanted to bolt for the door instead of walking towards it like a calm and collected person.

Jin then went back to devouring the last of his muffin, Jungkook kinda just stared at Jin affectionately while dissacosiating for a bit, and Taehyung secretly started packing up Jimin's things for him while Jimin also tried finishing up his meal (but at his own pace instead of wolfing it down like Jin was). 

Jimin turned to Jin who had successfully delivered the rest of the muffin to his stomach and said, "So now you're back to having no fourth hour class. Fan-friggin-tastic! I just love how the world is soooo lenient with my time." 

"Babe, its not worth getting mad over," Taehyung said while squeezing Jimin's shoulder gently.

"He's right, besides I might go anyways because I think it is a pretty chill class, a nice change of scenery, and It's not like I'd have anything else I really want to do," Jin told Jimin trying to put the other's mind more at ease.

"Well what about Yoongi?" Jimin turned this time to face Yoongi, "You have that class too, right? Are you going to go or skip?"

"Yeah, do you want to skip it since you can? Because I can skip my fourth hour and stay with you if you want,"  Jhope offered.

Yoongi looked into Jhope's eyes, locking their gazes, while his own eyes shimmered from the swirl of mixed emotions they seemed to portray.

"I-I . . . . . I don't know . . . yet," Yoongi said shakily, voice wavering the tiniest bit, before he plopped his head back on Jhope's shoulder. Jhope instantly replaced his hand near Yoongi's head, fingers softly sinking in to Yoongi scalp when he than began saying in soft voice, "That's okay Suga. No one's saying you have to go . . . no one's saying you have to skip that class either. I just want to let you know that if you need me -or want, want is good too- then I'll drop everything to be there for you if you do choose to skip. . . . . And if you choose to skip and don't want me around that is perfectly fine as well."

Jhope then pulled his hand a little bit back so that now it was just the tip of his fingers playing with Yoongi's hair just like he had been doing before this entire conversation start. He leaned in and whispered, "Just know that I'm here for you."

Yoongi grabbed Jhope's free hand, wrapped both of his own hands around Jhope's, and gave his hand a light squeeze while whispering back "I'm reminded everyday"

AN: Hi and hello 👋 lovely readers 😊!
Happy Spooky Season 🧡🦇🕸🕷👻

I'm looking for fanfic recommendations.

Let me know your favorites

The one's that shocked you the most

The ones ur still waiting for them to finish (yes i have a death wish ☠)

Your fav fic of your fave ship

The one were the main couple's roles were reversed but you're not complaining

The one you read from a group you didn't hardcore stand but was surprisingly great

The ones with a great premise that you thought could've been written better

The ones with the god tier side couple that lowkey carried the book

The ones u like from grouos that aren't your ult

That one book about a ship you didn't ship but after reading that one or more of these emojis was u🤭😌😏😤🥵😲🥺😳

Im literally down to read about any group all im asking for is not a x reader, especially not a female reader. If you hit me with a trans!reader, male!reader, or nonbinary reader I'll probably read it bc those are hella more interesting.

(If u could just let me know what im buckling up for when i read it ("you're gonna cry" "deadass made me laugh" "legitimately a good book even if it wasn't a ff" ) that would be deeply appreciated)

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