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Eventually the bell rang signifying the end of the class, so Jin had closed his sketch book. Just in time too, considering right after he closed it Namjoon turned his way towarads Jin.

"Hey Jin do you want to borrow my notes from today?" Namjoon asked, after having taken the notes on Jin's behalf. Truth be told it was all information he already knew but to beginners of the craft this was really useful.

"Huh?" Jin responded, caught off guard. He heard the other speak but Jin wasn't paying attention so he's not exactly sure what Namjoon had said.

" If you wanted to borrow my notes from today, i know you weren't really paying attention but Ms. Deavux actually gave out some useful information for beginners. If you're still trying to figure out what you're going to do for the project I think it might be really useful for you." Namjoon said, this time trying to explain why he's offering his notes in the first place to Jin.

Jin tilt his head to the side and his eyes widen abit when a light bulb turned on in his head. "Oh! If that's the case I'll take a look at them during lunch then. "

"Oh-" Namjoon unextended the hand with the book so he could start putting his notes aways"- guess that works too. See you then?"

"Definitely! But right now-" jin slung his now packed bag over his shoulder "- i got run to catch my next class. Bye Namjoon!" Jin hollered as he hurridly made his way out from this class and to his next.

Jin may have had 3 minutes to get there but he had to not only bolt all the way to the cafeteria but also down the flight of stairs to the first level basement after he made the sharp left turn at the cafeteria. Jin's rushhing paid off in the end as he manage to catch his class right before the door closed after the last two people went in.

Once inside the class room Jin made his way up the lecture seats, noticing that his usually spot next to Bambam was still open. However, Jin went to take his place next to Jungkook, just like last class, for the project.

Jungkook was sitting where he normally sat down when he saw Jin walk through the room's entrance, lightly panting as if he was just now able to catch his breath from running. Curious to see if his guess was right, Jungkook decided to test out his enhanced sense of hearing to listen in on Jin's heartbeat, and it was considerably elevated from that of a normal heart beat at rest, which is to be expected if he had run like Jungkook thought Jin might of-thus serving as evidence to confirm his hypothesis. He continued to watch Jin as he climbed up his usual path to his seat, though to Jungkook's surprise, Jin walked past his usual seat and continued walking up to where Jungkook was.

Jin shrugged off his back pack, placing it down on the ground next to his seat, which he then promptly sat down in next to Jungkook. Jungkook just cocked his head to the side, face clearly displaying the question 'why?', to which Jin just mouthed back project. Jungkook mouth 'oh' in realization along with some small nodding. Neither really wanted to actually speak seeing as how in a class room filled with currently and soon to be vampires could easily evasdrop on them, and most likely would considering Jungkook's status and position in their world.

Professor Vladimir started class off by saying "As you are all probably painfully aware you quote unquote project was due today. Most of you emailed it to me, which was wise. If any groups would like to come forward with a physical version of the project please come to the front of the room to turn it in or else those whose names I don't see on what is collected will be receiving a zero."

Interestingly enough 3 groups did walk to the front to hand in their paper, two of which were hand written and one of which appeared to have been done with a type writer. Those students eventually made their way back to their seats an mr Vladimir continued, "Great! Now that the papers have thoroughly been collected lets begin with today's lesson: Coming of age ceremonies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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