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Do you want me to enter this book in the wattpad award thing?

Jin rushed down to the cafeteria and made the fastest b-line to his food that you'll ever see. Jimin followed Jin's lead and also quickly tried to gather his food before the school cafeteria closed shop and won't open up till lunch. After the two of them got their fill of breakfast they dropped their trays on their side of the table and then proceed to sit down with a loud thud while panting. 

"I didn't think that we would make it there in time," Jin said in between pants, he was still out of shape from all the running he did trying to grab his food before it was too late. 

"Are you kidding me? You were incredibly fast, for human," Jimin said.

"What can I say? For food I move," Jin took a sip of his strawberry milk he manage to get last second before he continued, "Besides I don't think I could deal with a whole day of life with out strawberry milk. I literally can't remember a day where I haven't drunken strawberry milk."

"You guys are pretty late, and you both look like you just woke up and wish you could go back to sleep. What happened last night to you two?" Jhope said expertly pointing at signs that they might have done something not so safe for work heh.

"Since my roomate was with you I figured Jimin might prefer staying with me rather then in his own dorm room were he'd most likely  find you two love birds boning on his bed. We stayed up late watching netflix and just chilling." Jin looked over to Jimin and nudged him with his arm grabbing his attention. Jin made direct eye contact with Jimin saying, "It was quite the bonding moment we had, don't you agree?"

"I agree. You were just what I needed last night."Jimin said with a little sparkle in his eyes that were reflected in Jin's eyes.

Dropping the conversation Jin quickly chowed down on the remainder of his breakfast finishing just in time for the first bell to ring. Jimin and Jin walked to their class together with our arms linked(idk if normal people do that with their friends but I do because like holding hands seems slightly to suggestive and I have not straight friends that i don't want to give that kind of hope to so I link arms instead because awkwardly standing beside each other is well awkward >.<) when they got inside the classroom they unlinked their arms and sat down next to each other.

"So for today's topic can I get a drum roll please," the teacher asked which cued that one kid in the back of the class to whip out his phone and start play an actual audio of a drum roll. The teacher also started a little drum roll of her own using pens and a desk. "Humans! But not just your average mortal, I'm talking about the ones with abilities!"

Cue power point about all things human being project on to the screen, "All humans are as unique and complex as you and me are. The most common powers found in humans include the following: clairvoyance, specifically precognition, and telepathy. Less common powers is kinesis, abilities that involves controlling and manipulating a multitude of things. The most common kinesis is psychokinesis. Any questions so far?"

"Where do humans get their powers from?"

"Whats the difference between humans and witches/warlocks/wizards?"

"Ahhhh classic, to be expected, questions presented in the infamous rude format of calling out loud. I'll answer both! So as we all may know angels are real and do indeed exist. Heck some are even our students! These angels are know for their powers of blessing and bringing about miracles. More often then not the reason behind all these humans having powers is a result of angelic power interacting with the bloodline. That is not to say they are nephilim! Nephilim are the product of angels and humans get their intermingling reproduction on. Humans with powers are usually a result of an angel blessing a couple with a child, blessing a new born with a gift, and saving children from disasters and accidents. More often then not Angels bless/miracles often are to potent, filled with more then enough divine needed. This excess is then typically absorbed by the child in question and later on presents its self as whatever power they cultivated it to be. This gift is then passed through bloodline over time and changes as it does so. 

"They are not to be confused with witches and warlocks, because those types of people get their magic from the demon they are decedents of. When a demon possess a human and proceeds to have intercourse with a human the product is a witch or warlock. This rare instant can only occur if the demon in question was possessing a human, or else it would not work. A demon in its true form is much more powerful which would result in a hellion of sorts, a lesser humanoid looking weaker then average demon. I'm talking full on horns, the hellion despite being weaker then your average demon, is strong then most warlocks/witches. Note that when witches and warlocks  reproduce that may also result in more of them because those genes will still be passed down. Another way witches/warlocks get their powers from is by simply drinking demon blood and living to tell the tale, more often then not demon blood is too potent and pure evil for a human body to handle but research proves that the rare few who do survive a drink of the stuff ended up as witches/warlocks."

"On this subject of humans, I'd like to follow those clairvoyance kids at the moment because we have some in this class room! Clairvoyance is this ability of seeing the present, past, and future. Their are a multitude of way to go about these visions. Some of the most iconic methods being tarot card and crystal balls. The crystal ball method doesn't necessarily have to be in the form of a ball or even crystal. Essentially, you want to channel energy into something you can see out of, be it a mirror shard, glass, or crystal, crystals are just more commonly used because they are well known for conducting energy.  The idea is that instead of waiting for the vision to just come to you and knock you out with the full force attack on your head you use what ever it is that you have to see the vision through or on it. With tarot cards people's energy are drawn to certain card and using the cards you can see bits and piece of what id a bout to happen to those people. 

"A method to induce visions could be to take an object, close your eyes while feeling the object, and just let the object's life story just come to you. Everything has a life story, plants, objects, and even people. If you touch them you can tap into their energy and thus their memories, it might require patience and a bit of effort + concentration, but it is a rather easy method. And last but not least , my personal favorite method is a subconscious journal or sketch book. The idea is that while you day dream and your conscious is else where your subconscious takes control and puts your hands to work. While you daydream or something your hands move on their own sketching or writing out things related to your visions. It might be warnings or scenes from it that your subconscious is trying to let you know! It sounds crazy a little creepy but a 100% interesting. Do any of my psychic kids want to add on, input, or correct me on my info?"

A hand shot up and the person attached to it spoke, " We also mediate in small or safe spaces. We'll block out the out side, close our eyes, and focus solely on energy till we can reach out and get a vision from that energy." 

"That is a perfect example of yet another method one can use. I understand that these visions can be a difficult thing to get a hang of and I encourage each of my psychic kids to try out a method until you find one that works for you."

An: Hi,I'm temporarily back for the dead and present you all an update.

Also apparently this eligible for the wattpad award thing so if you think I should apply let me know.

Enjoy your days! 😊👍😁👍

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