Rating: 14+ (for mildly suggestive content)
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
All imagines are fem!reader
• Snapchats
• Texts
• Lots of AUs (fantasy, vampire, films, etc.)
• Fluff
• Saucy moments (no smut)
Published: November 10, 2021 Rewritten: September 13, 2023
Word count: 1,967
DO NOT read or interact if you're under 14
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You stepped into your boss' office, knowing you had most likely been called in because someone needed to be disposed of. "You called?" You asked, entering the room and swiftly closing the door behind you. "I did. I've got an assignment for you." Your boss informed you. "I assumed as much." "Have a seat." He gestured to the burgundy leather chair in front of his desk. You lowered yourself into the seat, folding your hands over your lap while waiting for information as to why you had been summoned to his office. Your boss sifted through some papers laid out on his desk before retrieving a folder from somewhere within the stack. "This is your target." He informed you, handing the folder over. You reached out eagerly, but he pulled it away before you could grab on. "This one won't be as easy as the others." "I'm sure I can handle it, boss." He reluctantly handed the file over, allowing you to see what was inside. You opened it up, your eyes landing on a photo clipped on the interior of the folder. The image appeared to be taken by someone hiding, based on the angle and slightly blurry quality. In the photo was a man with noticeable red hair. He wore all black and was talking on a cell phone while walking down the street. "Choi Jongho." You read aloud, taking a quick glance down the information sheet. "His whereabouts are unknown, but a source tells us he was seen near the shopping district." You nodded, taking in the information. "I've also received specific orders that he only be captured." "I'm on it, boss." "He's one of the best assassins in his field. You sure you're up for the challenge?" "I am." You nodded, taking the files. "Alright. I've been notified that he's got a job in Busan tomorrow. You'll need to go there and see if you can catch him. I'll send you the details later today." "You got it."
The next day you arrived in Busan at 3:00 PM sharp. The only information you had was that this Jongho guy would be in a rural area around 3:15 PM. Your boss had sent you the address and you made your way over there.
Situating yourself by a trash can that shielded you from any civilians that might walk by, you waited for your target to arrive. Minutes later, right at 3:15, he showed up. You probably wouldn't have noticed him had you not seen his vibrant, red hair peeking out from underneath his black beanie. You sat up a little straighter, getting ready to make your move and grab him. Jongho glanced at his phone while walking through the streets, most likely looking at information about his target. As he approached your hiding spot, you prepared to grab him, that is, until he hurried off in the opposite direction. You let out a grunt of frustration and began slinking after him. You didn't know how long you chased him for, but it felt like ages. He continued to dip into alleys and down side streets, you were almost sure you were going around in circles. Eventually, the assassin seemed to give up searching for his target and left. You decided to follow, watching as he got into a black vehicle. When the car was out of sight, you let out a long sigh, leaning against a nearby building. That was odd. Brushing off any feelings of skepticism, you decided to call it a day and try to capture Jongho another time.