Chapter 1

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Y/n was soundly sleeping before the alarm went off, ruining her precious sleep.

"Ugh ! I don't wanna get up but today is my flight to Seoul so I will have to say goodbye to my warm, comfy and cozy bed" she said dramatically.

Y/n was 17 years old, she lived in New York her whole life with her cousin, Joy and her family. She had applied at Seoul's university to study and got in and today was her flight so she wanted to be on time.

Y/n brushed her teeth and combed her hair, packed her bags and went down for breakfast.

"Good morning, Mr and Mrs Choi. Hey Joy." y/n spoke.

"Good morning dear, please call us aunty and uncle, no need to be formal. You have lived with us since you were 6"

"OMG ! I'm going to miss you so much. We lived together since we were little." Joy started bawling her eyes out.

"I will miss you too, but it's my dream to study in Seoul. I will never forget ow much you all cared for me!" Y/n said. As they finished eating breakfast, they all went to drop y/n at the airport.

After bidding all their goodbyes, y/n left for Seoul.

She finally arrived in Seoul and unpacked everything in her new dorm before going off to sleep.

Morning arrived soon and y/n woke up excited to go to her university. She immediately did her morning routine and wore this for school.

She didn't eat her breakfast, just a coffee from a nearby cafe

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She didn't eat her breakfast, just a coffee from a nearby cafe. She knew it wasn't healthy and if she keeps this up, she would faint or something. But she couldn't help it, she was so excited for going to the university.

As she walked in through the entrance hall, everyone's gazes went on her. Y/n was very beautiful and so every guy was staring at her making her uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a classroom door burst open and came out were two girls. They took y/n by her arms and took her to the girls locker room.

"Oh my god ! Thank you, I was feeling very uncomfortable around those boys." spoke y/n.

"Yeah, we saw. I am Lisa, and this is Jisoo." Lisa replied

"Hi I am y/n, I just moved here from New York. Can you be my first friends here ?" Y/n said.

"Of course, and girl let me tell you, you look so beautiful and cute, me and my friends will have to protect you from this evil world" said Jisoo. They all laughed

"Let's go and meet some of our friends, we will give you a tour" Lisa said.

They all went around the campus and met Rose and Jennie. All five of them, had so much fun touring the school.

Then the bell rang, indicating the first class was going to start. They all went in to their first class which was Maths.

Hey everyone !
Sorry for the short chapter as I just started writing, it'll get better

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