Chapter 27

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"Why can't I be here besides, your brothers won't know till someone tells them right. Neither you or I would be crazy enough to tell. I don't need anything but someone else does, I got a text from an unknown number saying that he or she is your friend and they want to meet with you at an address. And you need a ride too so they texted me" he spoke

"What friend ?" Y/n asked

"All they said was they were named Aifam, full name is Aifam ni Esiugsid. Which is so not a good name if you ask me and it's pretty long, first name, middle name and last name wow." he said

"Ok I know him, let's go to my friend fast. I can't risk getting caught here suho. And stop making fun of his name for goodness sake" y/n spoke and face palmed herself while suho laughed.

(Whoever guessed it right, congrats 🥳💜)

She and suho sat in suho's car secretly without the guards noticing and then drove to a old house. It was looking like it hadn't been maintained for years.

"Alright, you stay here while I meet Aifam" y/n spoke

"Sure, how is his last name pronounced again...ah I know Mr. Esi-ug-sid" suho said laughing

"Oh my god" y/n face palmed herself again

Y/n walked into that old abandoned house and went upstairs into a lounge room.

"STOP" someone spoke inside a mask to y/n while holding a knife

"What was my favorite color back then when we used to meet?" The stranger asked

"It was black, and it is probably still black and will remain black. That's what you said" y/n spoke hurriedly

"Good job bestie. You still remember. Sorry for all that. I just was checking if it's really you and not an imposter. I haven't seen your face in ages. That's why" the stranger spoke

"You and your tactics" y/n laughed. "It's really been so long too since I've seen your face. How are you doing these days. By the way, I love your name, Aifam." She spoke sarcastically

"I'm doing good surprisingly. Shut up, Aifam is a great name. Don't make fun of me. Anyways, I've heard you found your long lost family again. The ones you thought were dead" he spoke

"Yeah, but you know there is still a problem." She said

"I know, that's the reason why I asked you to come here hon" he laughed

"So will you help me, pretty please with a cherry on top" y/n pleaded

"I don't like cherries" he spoke

"Ugh! You little- ok calm down y/n. Let's try again. Will you help me, pretty please with a blueberry on top" she pleaded again

"I love blueberries so ok I'll help" he started laughing

"But you'll have to do most of the things, I can't or I'll be caught. Wow just look at me, I told myself many years ago that I wouldn't do this again but now when it comes to my and my family's safety, I'm ready to die for them"

"Don't worry, I will do everything mostly. Your family will be safe" he smiled


"DID YOU FINISH MEETING MR. ESI THE MESSY UG-SID SIR AIFAM *starts laughing loudly* I MEAN THAT FRIEND OR YOURS *starts laughing even louder*"

"Ugh that boy has no patience. Just ignore him" y/n said


"Well, he is my ex that you messaged. He is trying to get back with me. I'm just lost right now. No idea about my feelings for him"

"Well, good luck with all that. I need to go get some groceries. I can't just live at this dusty musty old house without food."

"Ok see ya! Bye" y/n went back to the car and sat in

"Yah ! Don't you have patience boy. And making fun of someone again" she spoke

"Ok I'm sorry y/n-ah and also to your friend, now let's go home before your brothers find out we left and kill me" suho spoke

"I hope they still are unaware of this and and watching the movie. I don't want to die, not today" y/n said

Suho started to make fun of y/n's friend again. Y/n laughed so much.

"Just like old times, you making me laugh and me dying" y/n said laughing

"I'm so glad to make you smile again, reminds me of our dating time" suho said

"Me too, we were the coolest couple ever ! And went on movie dates and danced together and our kisses and-" y/n stopped

"I mean yeah memories and stuff" she looked away outside the window quickly, embarrassed. Suho smiled at her.

Suho drove away quietly and quickly and y/n snuck in to her house without the guards noticing. She sighed of relief when she saw her brothers on the couch with their eyes glued onto the tv screen.

Then, she went upstairs to her room to rest. On the way,she grabbed a bottle of cold coffee and a Nutella bread stick. After all it's a Saturday. And people like y/n love sleep and food over everything. (A/n: y/n is me, me is y/n. Who else is with us?!)

"Let me send my streaks on Snapchat before I forget again" y/n laughed

[Sent to: 'Aifam', Lisa, Rose, Jennie, Jisoo, Joy, Suho, Soobin, Yeonjun, Kai, beomgyu, taehyun, jk, taetae, Jimin and 54 others]


Seven hurried footsteps were heard and within 3 seconds all of her brothers were in her room. Each other them holding 'weapons' like a broom, spatula, knife and more.

"What happened princess" Jin spoke out of breath

"I need to go to the mall tomorrow! It's Lisa and BEOMGYU'S birthday. I forgot" she spoke

"Wow all this for that" Yoongi huffed

"We will take you to the mall don't worry" jimin said

"Ah even I forgot!" Hobi spoke

"Don't worry guys, we remembered now so it's ok. We aren't bad friends" Namjoon said

"And then, Spider-Man came and took captain America's shield like WOW HE'S SO COOL I LOVE HIM" Jin said

"Well you saw iron man, HE LOOKED EVEN COOLER"  jungkook said

"Can't believe I watched the marvel series with these people instead of choosing to have my precious sleep" Yoongi huffed

"Aww we love ourselves a grump kitty" hobi smiled while jimin laughed

"Do you have a death wish" Yoongi spoke grumpily

"Guys let's all stop fighting and go to bed now" Namjoon spoke

"Yeah I'm pretty tired, thank god tomorrow is Sunday. I can sleep till late" y/n said

"Same, don't wake me up before noon" taehyung said

With that, everyone went off to bed. Y/n managed to stop being scared of having PTSD and finally went to sleep for once peacefully. Shiny moonlight hit her face while she slept soundly. A beautiful smile appeared on her face. Who was the person who caused it ? Suho ? Aifam ? Soobin ? Her brothers ? Her friends ? No one will ever know 🤷🏻‍♀️😉

Thanks of reading, I really appreciate it.
I can't believe I have 10k reads TYSM ! 😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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