Chapter 32

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"You all really overworked yourselves in this mission. Do you want something to eat" mom asked

"One comfy bed for me please" Yoongi replied

"Oh come on Yoongi hyung" taehyung said

"Where is y/n-ah, I could use a big bear hug right now" Jin said

"Oh she must be in her room. We just came right now so we didn't see her yet anyway" dad said

"Ok let me go and meet her" Jin said and went upstairs, not knowing the shock coming to him.

"GUYS! She isn't in her room neither in her bathroom" Jin said coming downstairs. Everyone was breathing fast, heart beating quickly too. It happened once in the past that y/n went missing so they were quite panicked.

"It's already night so she must have come home" Mrs Kim said worriedly

"I'll call the school security to see if she is still there" Mr Kim spoke and called on his phone.

He stood up while on his phone mid-way through the call in shock.

"What !? Where !? Which hospital !? I'm coming right away" he said

"What happened dad" Jimin asked

"The security said a car hit her and now she is in xxx hospital with txt and Blackpink. No time to waste let's go" he said and ran out

"C-car accident?" Jungkook asked jungshook

"Let's go!" Namjoon spoke and everyone went out.

Jungkook was in pure shock he couldn't move. Namjoon came back inside to drag him out. Then, jungkook let a cold single tear slide down his soft warm cheeks.

"Aww...kookie" Namjoon smiled, "everything will be ok. Let's go ok?"

Jungkook nodded and went out with Namjoon.

Soon enough, they had reached the hospital. The first sight they saw was soobin, taehyun and Lisa getting up from a cafe table and going somewhere. Jimin shouted their names so they turned around.

"W-hat happened!?" hobi asked sadly. Soobin just looked at the ground with a dead face.

"S-She- a car- hit her and" Lisa couldn't help but cry

"She is in floor 4, room 121. Take the elevator there, you'll see the others outside in the waiting room. But you can't go inside to meet y/n, she is still not awake, doctor's order" taehyun said

"Let's go" the Kim family went and followed taehyun's direction.


"Mrs Kim and Mr Kim hello" Jisoo bowed and then the others did too

"My poor baby" Mrs Kim cried

"It's ok, she will be fine auntie" yeonjun calmed her down.

"I hope so" taehyung replied and sat down too with the others.

"It's already 11, you all should go home and rest. Come back in the morning" Mr Kim spoke to the kids

"It's really fine" beomgyu said. Then, the doctor appeared

"H-how is she?" jungkook asked worriedly.


"She is not with us anymore" he replied

Anyways y/n is dead, thanks for reading byeeee-

Anyways y/n is dead, thanks for reading byeeee-

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