Chapter 52

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"Kids go wake up your sister! You'll be late for school/pre school" mom spoke

"Come on!" Little hobi spoke excitedly

In her bedroom

"Awww look at her holding a teddy bear while sleeping" little Jimin clapped his hands

"You also take teddy" little Jungkook spoke with doe eyes

"You also take teddy" little Jungkook spoke with doe eyes

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"Y/n-nie wakey wakey" little Jin spoke

Little y/n woke up at first shot and raised her arms, indicating that she wanted to be picked up. Jin, being the eldest, took her and with his mom's help, got her ready for her first year at kindergarten. She used to go to a nursery before.

"Look at our queen all grown up in her uniform" dad spoke as they entered the living room

"I WAN EAT!!!" Little y/n cried

"What do you want to eat dear?" Mom asked

"ICE CWEAM" little y/n cheered loudly

"Me too me too!" little taetae exclaimed

"Ice cream is bad for your teeth" little Namjoon spoke

"He's right. How about I serve you some cereal instead. Chocolate one promise!" Mom said

"Okie dokie" little y/n nodded

"Where's Yoongi, don't tell me he fell asleep in the bathtub again" dad sighed

"HE DID" little Jungkook giggled

"Omo! Mom! Y/n spilled her cereal" little hobi spoke with wide eyes

"Ah, my naughty little devil" mom spoke

"ANGEZ ! IM ANGEL" little y/n laughed mischievously

"Mom I'll help you clean it up" little Jimin spoke

"Thank you honey bun"

Yoongi came downstairs with dad holding his hand. He seemed grumpy and cranky, well he was. And he was very sleepy too so he wasn't fully awake.

"Good morning hyungieeee" little taehyung spoke

"Who are you and where am I" little Yoongi spoke, lost in his sleep

Everyone laughed including y/n. Smiles were real and laughter was heaven.

"Babe, I'm off to work. Take care of the kids and yourself" dad spoke

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