Chapter 48

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And also, I can't believe y'all were suspecting that Jackson or yugyeom was the 2nd enemy.
Y'all got too many trust issues 😭

Anyways, get ready to be shocked and fall off your bed/or wherever, when you see the real enemy 😈

Back to story ~

"So you lied to them?" Jackson asked

"Yeah.." y/n said

"Why?" Yugyeom asked

"They wouldn't let do this if we told them" y/n answered

"What you are doing isn't mature at all. Running away back to New York. You didn't even tell your family or friends, poor them will be thinking that we went somewhere and never returned" Yugyeom complained

"You don't understand!" Y/n shouted

"All this time since I was 6, I wanted to get rid of all these mafia memories. The abusive nightmares, the PTSD, the mental illnesses, the depression, EVERYTHING! I couldn't sleep or eat properly for so many years. Imagine if that was you!" Y/n cried

Her voice cracked as she continued, "It damaged me. The old y/n forever. My childhood was supposed to be happy and cheerful with my family. NONE OF THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO FREAKING HAPPEN" she broke

"WHY IS MY LIFE ONLY LIKE THIS!" she cried harder

Her two best friends stood there, feeling helpless and broken at the sight. They didn't mean to do this but it was good for her to let her feelings out at the same time.


"But my parents were already mafias way before I was kidnapped. And that hurts..."

"You need to understand my side of the story and put yourselves in my place before saying anything" y/n completed

"You're gonna be happy. You will get the life you deserve soon" Yugyeom said

"I know you didn't want any of this. But it's not in our hands baby. Now listen, how about we three eat ice cream?" Jackson spoke

"Ice cream? Really!?" Y/n huffed

"Come on yugyeom, let's run before the grumpy monster eats us!" Jackson laughed, running away with Yugyeom.

"Yah!!!" Y/n laughed and ran after them

Just like old times...

Everyone was trying to call y/n or her friends yet none of the three answered. Jisoo spoke something that made bts and soobin look up.

"People don't say anything when they want away" Jisoo spoke

"Why? Why are you saying that?! She won't abandon us! Me! She can't" soobin said with frustration and tears

He aggressively started calling her and texting y/n. No response.

Bts took their masks and wore them on before going to the exit.

"Where are you guys going? You said you didn't know the 2nd enemy's location?" Jennie asked

"She's still got that necklace and bracelet on" Namjoon said

He and the others left. Suho also left.

The three were done packing their suitcases. They were outside at the house, keeping the bags in the car.

"Welp, finally done with these bags" yugyeom said, shutting the trunk.

"Let's go. Get in" Jackson spoke

They drove and drove to a store to get some snacks for the way. When they got out of the store, y/n saw IU and a guy fighting.

She ran to her and stopped the fight.

"Yah Yah Yah! What's going on? Bambam what are you doing here?" Y/n gave a death glare

"Ask her! She's the one who poured her cold coffee on my girlfriend out of anger!" Bambam said

"It was a accident!" IU argued back

Y/n sighed as she mouthed sorry to bambam and took IU with her.

"Why are you dragging me! Stop!!" IU yelled in pain

"IU! Stop taking revenge and move on!" Y/n scolded her

"I-I can't!" IU cried

"What's going on?" Jackson asked, coming with yugyeom

"Who are they?" IU asked

"Uh, my friends..." y/n said

"Uh hi I guess" IU spoke

"Anyways, goodbye we probably won't meet again" Jackson said as he waved to Iu

"Huh why?" IU asked

"We're leaving to another country forever" yugyeom said

IU hugged y/n tightly.

"Thanks for being my first true friend here, don't forget me" IU smiled in between tears

"Ah let's not make this a sad ending" y/n smiled as she hugged back

"Uh guys...we better go like right now" Jackson spoke alarmed

"Why? Don't disturb their last- sh*t!" Yugyeom spoke, pointing at a direction

IU and y/n looked at the direction. Some men in black were coming.

"Who are t-they?!" IU panicked

Before they could escape from behind, other men from behind surrounded them in a circle.

"Y/n?! What's happening?!" IU screamed

"You girl! Stop screaming or you'll die first!" one men yelled taking out his gun

IU started screaming even more. That's when a man came from behind taking her and making her unconscious with a cloth.

"Y/n....I t-trust you..." IU spoke before fainting

"NO!" Y/n yelled

Two more men came suddenly and took out Jackson and yugyeom.

" what's happening" y/n thought

"There's a 2nd enemy?!" She thought

"Tell your boss to just take me! Why are you kidnapping my friends and even suho. They did nothing to anyone!"  Y/n yelled

"Shut up" one of the men spoke

As y/n was outnumbered, she was the last one to get knocked out as well. The last sight she saw was of a van and men loading her and her friends in.

And then it

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