Chapter 30

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Rant below, skip if want to..
Txt's new album is so good I can't even OMGGGGGG. Please stream their title track on YouTube, and other songs too on Spotify!

I think anti romantic, 0x1= love song and magic are my favs. Not to mention the king Dear Sputnik. Please stream the songs!

Anyways, Back to the story

It was lunch period at school but y/n was at the rooftop. It was very windy these days so she was enjoying the weather. A tap was felt on her shoulder. She turned around to see soobin.

"Hey, I thought you might be here since you weren't at the cafeteria" soobin spoke

"Yeah. You guessed's like we are.."

"Soulmates" the two spoke together and then laughed slightly

Y/n and soobin leaned on the rails of the rooftop and watched the beautiful sky and clouds. Wind blew y/n's hair over soobin's face. Y/n blushed deeply when she saw what happened. Soobin tucked her hair behind her ear. Then they went back to looking at the sky, both blushing.

"I'm literally so done with school. I just want to eat, sleep and repeat" y/n sighed

"I know, I am too. Studying is like the student is dying" soobin said

"Oh my gosh, you just did something there. Student + dying = studying. Take the stud of student and ying of dying and there ya go, stud-ying. Students dying" y/n smiled brightly

"Wow I'm so smart huh" soobin joked

"Oh wow, the sky is so beautiful" y/n looked at up at the view

"You are too" soobin whispered

"Huh ? What did you say, I didn't catch that" y/n asked

"Oh nothing" soobin said, "I'm gong to head to the library now. My brothers and Blackpink will also come. I hope you come too. We will start 'studying' for the upcoming test"

Y/n laughed, "I'll be there soon"

As soobin left the rooftop, y/n thought to herself and smiled shyly

"Is it just me or did he say I was beautiful too"

"Save me save me, I need someone to help me before I fall fall from reading this STUPID ASS BOOK FOR 100 DECADES!" Yeonjun dramatically shouted

"SHHHHHH!" The librarian shushed him

"Sorry" he whispered

"Yeonjun stop being dramatic, it's been 20 minutes only" Jisoo sighed quietly

"I hate studying" Kai sighed as well

Soobin and y/n burst into silent laughter. The more stares they got, the more they couldn't stop laughing.

"What? Share your inside joke with us" beomgyu spoke quietly

"Let them be you idiot! Their inside whatever joke remains to them and them only" taehyun said

"CUTE COUPLE GOALS" Yeonjun shouted with excitement

"SHHHHH!!!" Once more he was shushed by the librarian

"Sorry for the 2nd time" he spoke to her, "honestly she is getting on my nerves. Shushing me huh" he scoffed

"Guys focus on studying for the upcoming test or we all will fail terribly" Rose spoke

"I agree with Rose, if y'all want me to be alive and not dead then let me study to pass before my brother or parents kill me. Anyone doesn't want to study can go out the back door there" y/n said

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