Chapter 40

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"Ugh! Why can't I fall asleep" y/n got up from her bed.

She was in a t-shirt and shorts so she wore a coat of them and sneakers and went outside. During the past when y/n had PTSD, she would take long silent walks and watch the sunrise to help her calm down or relax.

She walked all the way to a nearby park which was like a forest. There was a river flowing through the deep parts of the forest so she sat down on the shore of the river whilst waiting for the sunrise. It was already 4 am so the sunrise would be occurring soon.

"Y/n?" someone spoke behind her.

She turned around to see soobin standing there with his coat and sneakers on as well. His hair was a bit messy which made him seem more handsome than ever. His bare face was showing and the wind blew his messy hair to the side.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coming to sit down beside her.

She snapped out of her shameless staring and spoke, "couldn't sleep so instead I came to see the sunrise"

"Really ?! I couldn't fall asleep either..because I was feeling awful about that fighting incident before. So I came to see the sunrise"

He stopped speaking for a second before continuing, "y/n..I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have fought with Sehun. I was just uhm...uh"

"Jealous?" Y/n laughed. "Soobin it's ok. I know jealousy does make you do the worst things"

"Did your bruises heal?" She asked gently touching his knuckles.

"Yes most of them" he replied.

"Funny how we both came here because of the same reason" she laughed

"Yeah. Soulmates do that" he whispered

"Right..." she spoke

"Look at those clouds. They look like they are farting" soobin said pointing at the sky.

"Wow, they do look like they are farting" she laughed, "and that one looks like a panda"

"And that one right there! It's a upside down heart"

"Woah! That's so cool. Let's go" y/n got up.

"Where!?" Soobin asked getting up as well.

Y/n took off her sneakers and went in the shallow edge of the river. Soobin did the same. They threw pebbles across the river and kept complaining of how the water was so cold yet they didn't get out anyway.

Soobin pointed towards a rock not so far from them. There was a beautiful brightly colored bird chirping and singing soft songs. He took y/n near to it slowly. Y/n put out her arm for the bird. Surprisingly, the beautiful bird landed on her arm gently.

"Look soobin! Look!" she excitedly smiled

"Wow. So beautiful" he said looking at y/n, not the bird.  (¬‿¬)

The bird immediately flew from y/n's hand to somewhere for shelter. Then slowly, gentle drops of rain fell from the sky.

"It's raining!" Y/n smiled

"Now we will get to see a rainbow too" soobin spoke

The got of the river and stood by the shore bare foot since their feet were wet. The rain slowly kept dropping. Gently and calmly.

Unknowingly, it just happened. Soobin took y/n hands and she did the same. They took the position do the slow dancing dance.

Her arm around his shoulder and his arm around her waist. They closed their eyes and just danced as the sound of the calm gentle rain whispered and tree leaves whistled.

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