Chapter 2

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Y/n and her new friends were in maths class with y/n, Jisoo and Rose taking notes and the other two trying not to fall asleep.

After an eternity, the bell rang and they all went out.

Y/n discussed her timetable with black-pink and turned out that she had only a few classes with them, she had the most number of classes with Lisa. They all went to their next classes and they promised to meet at the cafeteria.

Time passed as slow as a sloth but it was finally lunchtime. Y/n sat with her friends and they all laughed and had so much fun together.

The next four classes she had were two of them with Rose and Jennie and other two with only Lisa. As the last class finished, they all went home. Y/n was happy and loved her new friends. She couldn't wait to see them again tomorrow.

She got in the bus and went home. She called Joy and told her about her first day. Joy was very happy about her new friends made. They chit-chatted for a while before hanging up.

(Back to the Morning time)
Mrs.Kim and Mr.Kim came down for breakfast and slowly one by one bts appeared.

"Won't you go to school today?" Their mother asked them.

"We were very tired from yesterday's mission so we decided to skip today" Jin, the eldest spoke.

"Please don't overwork yourselves or I might have to tell off your father" mom replied.

"Kids, don't overwork or I'm dead meat" their father said.

All of them laughed. Their father is not scared of any person in the world except his wife.
If she finds out he makes their children work hard in the mafia doings, he will get scolded.

And on purpose, the kids work very hard just so they can laugh of their heads when their mom scolds dad.

"Let's all go to a restaurant tonight, for a family dinner" dad asked.

Everyone agreed and so as evening came, they all came downstairs one by one and left to the restaurant.

Everyone had so much fun at the family dinner but of course, Mrs.Kim felt the incompleteness without the family's only daughter. Dad caught on of what his wife was thinking and he too was felt numb with no emotion on his face. Then, BTS too saw them and caught on.

This is why they never usually go out for family dinners or family fun. It hurts every time they think about her. She was such a precious gem. Everyone babied her, specially her brothers. They were so protective of her. The cruelty of the world stole her from them.

It seemed like yesterday when y/n was born and her parents brought her home. All of her brothers were very little and closed around her forming a circle. Little Jin held her in his arms while the others made weird faces, so she smiled.

They used to hold onto her hand when she learned to walk. Whenever she fell down, she cried. And then the maknae line would start beating the floor like monkeys making everyone laugh.

When she learned to walk, she would always walk everywhere which always worried her parents. She almost walked onto the road once, but little tae came like a hero and grabbed her before it was too late.

Y/n's first words were family. Everyone was so happy after she said her first word.

But then when she turned 6, she disappeared. Nobody knew what had happened. They all searched for her for so many weeks and even the police couldn't find her. Her mother was devastated and never her happy self again for years. Same with her father,who thought he was the fault. He didn't protect his own daughter.

As for her brothers, they went cold and dark. They started to work for their father when they turned 15. And poor little jungkook always thought till this day, he was the reason she disappeared. The family tried to explain to him how it wasn't his fault but jungkook never listened.

Y/n, on the other hand, only remembered a bit. She was six years old and she and jungkook were walking together to the ice cream van to get ice cream. After they both got it, they went home and promised each other to not tell anyone that they ate sneakily.

When they returned, they were greeted by angry face of the rest of bts. They were mad at them for getting ice cream sneakily and alone. The brothers started play fighting with only jungkook.

They couldn't get mad at lil y/n. She was just too cute and a baby. Y/n tried to protect kookie but failed and fell. She was crying which made the others attention divert to her. Y/n giggled knowing her plan worked to free kookie.

"Oppa, i saved you, look , look, I saved you" she smiled

After that, bts went in their rooms while y/n was in the garden. Their parents were at work.

Little y/n was happily dancing in the grass and singing songs. She saw the ice cream van again and decided she wanted to buy some for her brothers who didn't get the chance to eat it before.

She was walking towards the truck when she noticed that the man serving changed to a black suit. Some men, who wore the same black suits, came an surrounded her. Her vision went black and that was all y/n remembered till today.

Occasionally, y/n got nightmares from this memory. She cried hard while being embraced in joy's hands.

Mr Choi said that he saw her once in car, she was sleeping with no sign of her family. And so he took her to his house. He thought that her family abandoned her so he never, took her back.

When y/n got to know of Mr.Choi's thought, she disagreed, clearly remembering she got kidnapped by some people. He also got to know that her family became mafias and decided to not let her go back since it might be dangerous.

Y/n didn't know about this because he never told.

Time skip back to bts home

Nobody really enjoyed the dinner with the feeling of incompleteness so they left dinner early. Bts had school tomorrow and their parents had work so they went to bed.
Reuniting soon maybe ?
Popping popcorn and gathering tissue boxes

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