Chapter 34

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After an hour more of waiting, her family arrived. One by one everyone met her. Jimin hugged her so much, taehyung gave her a recovery gift teddy bear and the others gave forehead kisses and wishes.

She was glad to meet her family and all, but she wanted to see soobin too. Not that she cared more for soobin than her own family of course pfft.

Her friends arrived after a few minutes as well. Soobin was standing quietly, with puffy eyes and dark circle under them. Hair and face looking like it wasn't washed. But he was smiling.

"Y/n-ah my baby" Jisoo hugged her

"Y/n you dare leave the Fab five" beomgyu joked

"I'm never gonna leave y'all. Who would annoy you to death then ?" y/n laughed

"Aish this kid" yeonjun sighed

"I'm not a kid. I'm one year younger than you only" y/n argued back

"Still your a kid" yeonjun shrugged. Y/n glared at him playfully.

"Y/n how's the room, I made sure to get the most comfortable one. Is it fine" dad asked worriedly

Y/n wanted to laugh badly. Her dad was worried for this. She felt the care she needed all those past 12 years without a family. She acted like a kid and spoke,

"Of course it's fine my dear daddy, stop worrying always" y/n smiled and took her father's hand into her tiny hands.

"Aish, we forgot about my meeting with Mr.Park and Mrs.Park!" Mom spoke

"Huh ? Our parents" taehyun asked

"Yeah, we are doing some business with them. After all, our children are already friends" dad winked and emphasized the word 'friends'.

"Yeah we are great friends" y/n forced a smile.

Hah! The Kim parents knew that something was up between y/n and soobin and so did the Park parents. If they did business together, then y/n and soobin could spend more time together and not be separated. Because if they are in a contract, they can't be separated.

Everyone here is smarter than you think they are.

"Bye everyone, please don't leave y/n-ah alone alright" mom said

"We won't. Trust us and don't worry" Jin said

"How will she not worry when she knows that she is leaving y/n with all you crackheads and dumb people unlike me" Yoongi said. Everyone glared at Yoongi

"What? Reality is harsh. Truth is harsh. Life isn't fair. So get along with it"

"Remind me to hack Yoongi hyung's phone later so I can expose all of his web history" jimin smirked

"Alright enough, we're leaving. Take care" mom and dad left the room.

"Guys, let's go get some snacks for all of us" Kai said dragging them all out without their consent. Except soobin and Lisa. He knows what he's doing.

"What about y/n, I will stay to-" jungkook was cut off

"Shush! They both are there, now let's goooooo" yeonjun said. After they left, Lisa left too purposely so the two could get alone time. They all know what they are doing, these friends of y/n.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry" soobin said

"Why, it wasn't your fault so please stop blaming yourself" y/n replied, practically begged

"I...I wanted to give you this but the accident happened.." he pulled out the rose.

" he pulled out the rose

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