Chapter 44

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"When will they come?" soobin asked

"I have no idea. What will they talk about, do they suspect something" y/n asked worriedly

"They couldn't have found out anything...I hope not" soobin spoke

Soobin and y/n were at a cafe, sitting at the corner. Soobin's parents and y/n's had asked them both to come to xxx cafe to meet. They didn't tell the reason why so soobin and y/n were worried that their parents might have found out.

The door pushed open. Mr and Mrs park and Mr and Mrs Kim walked in. They were holding on to some bags and a file. All four of them sat down with soobin and y/n at the table.

"So...what is this meeting about..?" Y/n asked.

She held soobin's hand underneath the table tightly. He put his other hand on hers to hug her hand like a cave.

"What's the hurry!" Mr Park exclaimed

"Let's order something first kids" Mrs Kim spoke

Everyone finally finished eating and drinking their orders. Then, the tension and stress grew larger.

"So we called this meeting to tell you something. Firstly, look at these file" Mrs park said, handing them the file.

Soobin opened it and read it with y/n. It was the business contract with both families.

"This isn't just a business contract we made to work together. We made this partnership so you both can't be separated by someone. Like maybe your brothers, y/n" Mr park spoke

"What!?" soobin and y/n asked at the same time

"We knew something was up between you two. And we could see our sons (bts) trying to not get y/n a boyfriend so obviously they wouldn't accept soobin. So we made this contract. So that somehow if they found out, you'd still meet and see each other in business meetings or arrangements" Mr Kim explained

Soobin and y/n were so shocked when they found out the parents knew about their relationship.

"And about what you must be thinking. Yes we all have agreed to let you both date" Mrs park said

"OMG REALLY" they both shouted

"Yes" all of the parents agreed

Soobin and y/n were so happy and excited. They hugged each other and smiled ever so brightly. They thanked and bid goodbye to their parents. After that and all, they decided to go on their first date.

Officially this time.

First, they went to a restaurant and ate their dinner early

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First, they went to a restaurant and ate their dinner early. They ordered a pepperoni pizza with two drinks. Then, they went to the beach and had the time of their lives.

Y/n ran around towards the waves and soobin ran behind her. The waves ran through their feets while they kissed their first kiss officially.

The sun started to set so they rented two bikes. They rode their bikes holding hands as the sunset occurred. They also clicked lots of pictures to remember how beautiful this first official date was.

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