Chapter 46 (Part two)

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Yup, that's the innocent, non violent, little y/n above holding a gun 😃🔫

~Anyways to the story~

By now, everyone (txt, bp, y/n, suho) were sitting on the ground of the basement, thinking of ways to get out.

Suho was there too since a long time. Turns out gdragon found out about him and his past with y/n. To avoid the risk of getting caught, he kidnapped suho too.

Suho looked at Aifam weirdly. Aifam noticed and asked why he was looking at him like that.

"'d you get here? I mean you were in that secret hideout? Why did gdragon kidnap you?" Suho asked

"I'm y/n's childhood friend. I was out of my hideout when he saw me and took me" aifam spoke

"But y/n's childhood was taken when she was kidnapped?" Jennie asked confused

"Wait! Don't tell me you're saying that...." Rose continued

"Yes I am" aifam completed

"What?" a clueless beomgyu asked

"He was kidnapped along with y/n as well" Lisa spoke

"Ah! That makes sense" Kai said

"Of it does dummy" yeonjun said

"Before y'all start fighting, Aifam, you were kidnapped with her. So you must have all those nightmares and all as well right?" Taehyun asked

"Yeah. But I was used to those abusive things because my parents themselves were abusive. I wasn't actually kidnapped. I was sold to. So I recovered over all those years but the trauma and it's after effects still stay alive at times" aifam spoke

"Oh..." Jisoo tracked off

"I feel so sorry" Jisoo continued

"Don't, I hate people pitying for me. I'm alright so smile" he said

"Your voice sounds so...familiar" lisa spoke suddenly

Aifam looked at y/n who looked back at him. Y/n nodded and aifam nodded back.

"What are you guys communicating with your minds" beomgyu asked

"It's a familiar voice because you've heard it before. I'm Jackson, the guy in the party" Jackson spoke

Jackson took off his mask that he was wearing all this time to not show his face.

"JACKSON!" Lisa spoke shocked

(He's the guy from the party that happened in recent chapters. Aifam is him)

"But why was your name as Aifam?" Suho asked

"For disguise. My whole name was Aifam ni esiugsid, and Suho you were laughing at it for being weird. Yes it is weird and hard so that no one can remember my name" Jackson spoke

"Oh, you're a genius bro" suho replied

"Wait for the best part to call him that" y/n said

"Huh?" Soobin said with the others

"Say my name but read each word backwards" Jackson spoke

"Mafia in disguise....." y/n added

Everyone died at the spot, shocked as hell.

"DUDE! SUCH A GENIUS" Suho shouted

"Bro-" Yeonjun spoke

"I feel you Yeonjun. I'm out of words" Jennie said, shaking her head

"Thank you" Jackson nodded, half smirking

"My bestie has IQ higher than einstein's" y/n spoke, side hugging Jackson

A few questions were still there so Jackson explained everything of their past and present to them. Including of how y/n's family are mafias.

Gasps left everyone's mouth except txt's. Y/n knew why and that's why she was glaring at them.

"I know you know" she spoke still glaring

"We were forced to not tell you. We're sorry!" Yeonjun spoke

"Yes what he said!!!" Beomgyu added

"Look if we can forgive you for hiding the fact that you were a ex mafia trainee then you can forgive us for hiding this" taehyun spoke

Y/n sighed and let her anger out.

"It's not your fault anyway that I should be angry at you. At times like the robbery at the mall, I get angry and psychotic. Thankfully, I've learned to control it with the help from Aif- I mean Jackson" y/n said smiling

"Well, we're happy for you" Jisoo smiled

The door suddenly shook. Everyone froze at the spot and slowly got up, getting into defense mode.

The lock dropped on the ground as the door opened slowly.

It was...

"Yugyeom?!" Y/n and Jackson shouted in shock

Y/n and Jackson's dead friend. He survived the bomb attack but then decided to stay away from that place to make gdragon believe he died.

Y/n ran to him in tears and gave him the longest hug in the world. Followed by Jackson.

Breaking the hug, Jackson explained about Yugyeom.

(Read the end of chapter 34 if you don't remember Yugyeom's story)

"Let's talk more later. Right now, I managed to get the keys to escape so follow me" Yugyeom said

He went to the door but then stopped. He dug through his backpack which he was wearing. He took out three guns.

"For the people who are trained" he said

He took one for himself and handed the other two over to y/n and Jackson. The three nodded looking at one another before proceeding with the plans.

"Let's divide the people so no one gets lost" Yugyeom said

"Yugyeom will lead and Yeonjun, Jisoo and Jennie will follow him" Y/n said

"I'll be the second lead behind Yugyeom and Lisa, jennie, Rose and taehyun will be with me" Jackson spoke

"Y/n, then you'll be the last lead with Soobin, beomgyu and kai" Yugyeom said

"Okay!" Y/n spoke

"Let's escape!" all of them whisper shout.
Something's happening soon!

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