Chapter 21

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Y/n had ignored her brothers the whole day at school today just like yesterday. Not a single word spoken ever since yesterday evening.

She was acting like she didn't care but really she felt so bad. She wanted to stop ignoring them but they were ignoring her back which made her feel heartbroken.

After school
Y/n was sitting all alone in her room, feeling guilty and sad for what she had done. It was a bit too much anyways. Suddenly, she got a message from one of her brothers. It was taehyung.

She went outside and sat in the car with taehyung

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She went outside and sat in the car with taehyung. The car ride was silent. After a few minutes, they reached a park. Taehyung and y/n went around the park. Y/n was enjoying the air and watching kids riding their cycles.

"Hey taehyung oppa, look at those kids. They are-" she turned around to see he wasn't there.

"Sh*t, where did he go. He left me here!?" She panicked

Suddenly, someone blindfolded her from behind and carried her to a car.

"OMG HELP SOMEONE I'M BEING KIDNAPPED" she yelled but someone placed tape on her mouth so she couldn't speak more.

She was terrified. But only 10%. The rest of the 90%, she felt curious to where she being taken. She felt somewhat safe even though she was being kidnapped. Strange right !?

After a while, the car had stopped and the blindfold and tape was taken off. She was inside a ice cream shop and was very confused.

She saw a sorry card on the table with her favorite ice cream order. Then voices were heard from behind her shouting, "sorry" , and she knew who they were without turning.

"You guys ! I thought I was really being taken" she said

"Sorry, we just wanted to make up. Sorry for ignoring you earlier" bts said

"It's really fine. I get that work is important and you shouldn't get distracted from it" she said, "and I felt really bad while ignoring you guys anyways. Never doing that ever"

"Glad to hear that" hobi sighed of relief dramatically

They all came together and did a big hug. Y/n felt so happy. After 12 years of being without being with a touch of love or family she finally had gotten it. She could finally say "I have a family" to all those bullies who bullied her in the past. She never forgot those words they said. She could tolerate them all except one,

"You have no family, so cry about it"

"They probably left her since she is disgusting"

"I have my parents that I hug and get loved and taken care by everyday, you have no one"

"'s the weird girl"

"You are a disappointment to everyone"

"You will never be loved"

This sentence was always coming in her nightmares. In her nightmares, she also saw the kidnappers and the abuse they gave her. She woke up occasionally and cried so hard into joy's arms every time.



"Y/n you're not in your senses. Stop crying my baby. I'm right here" Joy spoke sadly and worriedly and y/n cried every harder into her arms.

"I remember when he...he..he pointed the gun at me and I was just 6. He..he..slapped me and I was crying" y/n spoke

"Shhhhh, don't cry, go back to sleep it's a nightmare. My precious baby. Go to sleep" Joy hugged y/n hard till she fell back to sleep.

This happened occasionally when Y/n was staying with Joy in New York. Joy's parents and her were so worried so they took y/n to the doctor.

She was diagnosed with PTSD, Post-traumatic stress disorder.

She had symptoms like; being easily startled, being on guard for danger often and trouble sleeping and concentrating. (Btw this info is real since I researched it but I'm not sure if it's fully accurate)

This happened till she was 15 or so. Many years of facing PTSD. It changed y/n a lot, she was more negative.

Then she met Suho who loved her with all his heart and he changed her. She was back to the old y/n. This is why she couldn't tell me that she didn't love or care for him anymore at the storeroom, the person who changed her life for good hurt her too.

It wasn't on purpose though. But she was just in the state of denial and blinded by hate that she couldn't see that the kiss was a mistake.

Till this day, only Joy and her family and suho knew about her condition. Y/n planned on never telling her new friends and her real family. It was hard for her.

Seeing suho back again kind of triggered her past and she let tears fall out of her eyes.

"Yah, why are you crying lil sis" jungkook said

"Ah, nothing. Just happy" she fake smiled. Her dark past didn't need to interfere again.

"Let's eat this delicious ice cream and then go home" taehyung said

"I'm so sleepy" Yoongi said and Jin hit him playfully

"Ok let's hurry before grump kitty throws a fit" jimin said to annoy Yoongi

"Ok guys we don't want to start a fight" Namjoon said and everyone laughed.

After eating, they all went home. Tomorrow was the weekend and so txt and Blackpink had planned a hang out with y/n at a fun fair.

Little did soobin and y/n know, the rest of them did that so they two can start dating already. Txt (except soobin) and Blackpink were the number 1 fanboys and fan girls of Soobin x y/n.

Another chapter here !
Thank you for all your support and love on this book
Bts comeback on May 21 and Txt on May 31. I'm dying !
-Pre-save both of their songs and albums and stream later too-
-vote after bbmas announce the voting site for bts-
‼️‼️IMPORTANT: EVERYONE PLEASE SEND LOVE AND SUPPORT TO moonlan11 She is my favorite author and cuz of her I started writing, please read her recent upload about her problem and help her by giving love and support ‼️‼️
💜💜💜 Borahae 💜💜💜

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