Chapter 14

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Y/n woke up today, happy as ever. Today was the last day before the weekend, Friday. WOOO-HOOO! Party party yeah !

She dressed up in a comfortable dark purple hoodie with jeans and went downstairs to go outside in the car.

"Ahem, going somewhere and breaking yesterday's promise" someone spoke. Y/n knew exactly who that someone was.

"Yes Jin oppa coming" she sat down.

Her parents and brothers made sure she ate a proper breakfast. Not just a spoonful or coffee or a piece of fruit. (They told mom and dad of what happened yesterday)

After that they left in a limo to school. Namjoon fake coughed to get there attentions.

"So today we will get revenge on those crackheads for pranking us the other day" he spoke

"Yes, karma is a bish txt babes" jimin rubbed his hands and laughed evilly. Yoongi weirdly looked at him. Y/n laughed

 Y/n laughed

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"Lmao. So what are we doing?" Taehyung asked

"You'll see. After school we will ask them....." Namjoon told them the plan and everyone agreed.

"Time to get a taste of your own medicines" jungkook said and high fived y/n and hobi as they were sitting on either side of him. Jin sighed and laughed at their childish behavior but he was the most excited for the revenge. More than the maknaes. Talk about being childish.

Y/n came with the Fab five gang and they all met up and sat with the rest of txt and bp.

Jennie then nudged Rose who then whispered something to yeonjun. Yeonjun got so excited like he had been told some drama. Yeonjun whispered something to everyone else except soobin and y/n. Both of them frowned

"Why are you so happy and excited all of a sudden" soobin asked

"Yeah share it with us too" y/n added

"Ok listen here you two lovebirds. Quit the act. We all see you two wearing matching bracelets" Jennie smirked

"MATCHING BRACELETS. I REPEAT MATCHING BRACELETS" yeonjun yelled loudly into their ears making them annoyed.

'We heard you the first time, no need to shout" taehyun exclaimed

"So are you dating, you'll make the best couple" beomgyu spoke and Jisoo nodded

"What no! These are friendship bracelets" y/n spoke immediately

"Get your minds out of the gutter. These are a gift of friendship for y/n from me" soobin said

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