Chapter 49

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"Ugh where am I" y/n groaned, waking up

"I think I'm in heaven" Jackson spoke, waking up as well

"You're going to hell" yugyeom spoke

"Shut up guys! There are more serious things to be said" y/n spoke

"Like the fact that I'm kidnapped for the 2nd time this day" y/n completed

"Ah my head hurts" IU shouted out loud, waking up

"You girl! Keep quiet" Jackson hushed

Unfortunately, her voice had travelled to the guards. One of them came up and looked at them. Like he was picking who's being the most fun to bully or something.

"Pick that weak one" guard 1 said to the other guard

"I'm not weak! I- YAHHHH PUT ME DOWN!! HELPP SOMEONE" IU screamed as the guards dragged her away

The creepy silence came back as the door shut.

"What now..." yugyeom asked

"To help IU, we need to cut these ropes. Jackson I heard you're well trained at this, give it a shot" y/n winked at him

Jackson untied his hands with his teeth and then his feet. Once he was out, he helped untie y/n and yugyeom.

"AHHHHHHHH" someone's scream was heard

"That sounds like IU. Are they torturing her?! Come on hurry let's go!!" Y/n rushed

They went towards the scream sound. All three of them got out their guns and prepared to fight those men.

As they bust the door open, they saw a dead body on the ground. It was a girl's......

"I-IU?" y/n widened her eyes

She ran to the body with her friends following behind her in worry. Y/n couldn't bare even touch her so Jackson turned the body over.

It was a sack, shaped like a body and a wig attached on it.

"What the-?" Yugyeom spoke

They heard laughter. It was familiar.

A shadow appeared and it was walking towards them. Then, it stopped. It moved a few steps forward till the light hit its face.

It was a girl's shadow.

It was IU

"What is going on?" y/n asked confused

"Aww little baby y/n doesn't know anything" IU spoke and laughed even more

"Wait! She's, she's the 2nd enemy?!!!" Y/n spoke as the other two gasped

"Bingo" IU winked.

"Why did you betray y/n!!" Yugyeom shouted

"She was your first friend" Jackson added

"I have ton of friends. I just set up my backstory so sadly and made it look like she was my friend. She's not my friend. She's my enemy's sister so that makes it her my enemy" IU said

"Enemy's if in you and bts are enemies in mafia" yugyeom said

"Yes. We had a war between us going since years. When I found out about their precious little sister, it was just like I hit a jackpot" IU laughed

"Then gdragon, why'd you pair with him?" Jackson asked

"He wanted revenge and destroy the Kim's family and so did I. That old man was so slow but eventually got you in the end. That's what I wanted. I planned to kill him in the end anyway so it's not big deal to me that he's dead" IU shrugged

"Y-you! How can you be so evil!" Y/n shouted

"During the journey when gd was so low and bad at getting to you, I tired myself but failed. Two times!" IU spoke

"When?" The three asked

"I had to first get rid of her so called boyfriend who never left her side at school! That's why I asked one of my men eunwoo to go on a blind date with you. Unfortunately, you and soobin reunited" IU spoke

"And then the whole scene at the sports room. I wore a mask and then purposely told bts that you and soobin were dating and your location. I thought it had worked because bts and her friends were mad at each other but you all figured it out again" IU sighed

"The blind date-! How could you do that" y/n spoke in shock

"Be in shock later honey" IU said

"Right now, let's wait for our precious bts to come and save you. So they can watch you die in front of their eyes" IU smirked

"NO!" all three of them yelled

IU laughed and walked away in the shadows. Leaving the darkness to swallow y/n and her friends.
It was IU 😆💀
None of you must have thought about it Huh 🤡🤡🤡

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