Chapter 45

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"No! No! No! This can't be happening!" ??? Shouted, making all the workers frightened

A worker had just told the news about the stalker, Sehun, being caught finally and also killed. ??? was more than angry. This made ??? at such a vulnerable place.

"My plan is ruined now! No! I can't lose now, I have to get her myself" ??? spoke

"You all workers are fired! GET OUT BEFORE I KILL YOU ALL, USELESS!" ??? Shouted once more

Taehyun, Kai, Lisa and y/n were taking a class together since the weekend was over already.

Taehyun seemed to be the only one paying attention to the board though. Kai and Lisa were dying to know details about y/n's date with soobin. Y/n didn't want to tell yet they kept bugging her.

Kai and Lisa made a loud noise from which the teacher turned around. They both acted like they were paying attention but this caught y/n off guard.

"Ms. Y/n ! I thought you were a good student, then why are you laughing here in my class. Aren't you paying attention?" The teacher asked

"Yes I was paying attention but-" she was cut off

"No buts. I don't want to see I student like you fail or go down. Please stand outside my class till it's over" she spoke

Y/n looked at Kai and Lisa whilst they silently laughed and mouthed sorry. She sighed and walked out of the classroom.

Being the sassy girl she is, she decided to roam around the school till the bell rang. Then she'd go back and act like she was standing outside the whole time.

Y/n was enjoying outside playing football with another class that was IU's. IU snuck her in and let her play. Y/n was her first and only real friend anyway. The coach didn't even know  y/n joined sneakily. Haha 😏

The match was over and everyone went into the locker rooms to change and shower. Y/n got her clothes as well and showered. When she got out, everyone was already out.

"Aw! They didn't wait for me" y/n spoke

When she was about to open the door to go out, someone blindfolded her, taking her by surprise.

She tried to yell but her mouth got covered in that moment. She did everything in her power to get out; kicking, shaking and biting, but nevertheless it was useless.

As she struggled in the perosn's grip, a cloth with a funny smell was brought out from his pocket. She knew what kind of cloth was that and it's purpose.

She tried to get out endlessly and even tried to use her fighting moves but that person knew what he was doing. And definitely knew her strength.

She started feeling drowsy as the cloth was brought near and nearer at her nose. She sighed in defeat, knowing what was happening.

Her lifeless body's weight fell into the unknown persons arms.

"We got her, boss"

"Finally, class is over ! I couldn't stand that teacher ugh" Kai said in relief

"She explained the topic really well" taehyun added

Lisa and Kai shook their heads at taehyun.

"This nerd, always with the teachers side than ours" Lisa sighed

"Let's find my brother's soon to be wife" Kai spoke

The three couldn't find y/n anywhere at all. Now even the rest of txt and Blackpink also joined the search party.

"Any luck?" Rose said

"No! We can't find soobin's soon to be wife anywhere" beomgyu cried aloud

"What?" Soobin asked in disbelief

"Later brother! We need to find y/n" beomgyu spoke

"I've called Namjoon, he said he is on his way here" yeonjun spoke

"Guys!"  Namjoon came running

Bts and the rest teamed up on different teams to search the whole school. Even their parents, Mr and Mrs Kim, joined.

"Don't worry, now that we know for sure she isn't in the school. We can track her distant location"  Jin spoke

Everyone, except namjoon and mr. and Mrs Kim, looked at Jin with a confused face.

"It's the necklace and bracelet we gave her on her birthday. It has a tracker built by dad" Namjoon said

"Oh, should've guessed y'all's gifts" jimin sighed

"Let's track her then, go on do your thing" soobin spoke

"Woah, I didn't know you all could do this" Jennie spoke

"It's like you guys are trained spies or something" Jisoo added

"Yeah...." jungkook said

"Ugh, Ah my head hurts so badddd" y/n slowly rubbed her eyes

She took her time to adjust to the dim lights of her surroundings. She looked horrified since that place was so familiar.

"This is that place where I was kidnapped as a kid. This warehouse...him...he must be here." she spoke in horror

The door cracked opening, revealing...

Sorry for the short chapter
I'm on vacation and I had things to do with my family
I'll try to post in a week or so

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