Chapter 51

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Disclaimer: If you are not comfortable reading about shootings, blood or anything to of matter, please click off. Thank you <3


"Behind you!" Jennie pointed

Rose dodged a man passing him onto Jennie to deal with. The more men they defeated, the more men came from nowhere.

"Thanks for the look out" rose spoke before moving to help Taehyun

IU was fighting with Lisa while Soobin and Jimin fought her personal guards. It was a full in world war 3.

After Jackson had said something, the other two were panicking so much.

"What are we gonna do?!" Yugyeom panicked

"I have no idea but think of something fast!!!" Y/n shouted

"I think I may have an idea" Jackson spoke calmly

The two looked at him quickly in eager. 

"I think it's time we bring the rest of the squad, we were kidnapped when we were 6, back" he spoke smirking

Y/n and Yugyeom widened their eyes like a kid seeing candy. They nodded before moving to their plan.

Since Jackson he knew how to contact his mates, he went on the phone. Yugyeom went to his base to bring a load full of weapons for the squad. Y/n made sure to clear a path for the getaway to save everyone.

After a few minutes, Yugyeom came back with armor and weapons. Jackson came back running, yelling...

"They're here bishes!!!!"

Bts, txt and Blackpink were getting tired of fighting countless men slowly. They were fighting hard yet they felt like giving up.


A sound came from behind the door entrance that was closed. IU and the others looked up at it.


It was even louder this time. It was like someone was trying to break the door open with all the pounding.

"Who-" IU was cut off


The door burst open by Jackson's powerful kick. He entered in with y/n and Yugyeom.

"You three again?!" IU asked annoyed

"Three?" Y/n laughed

Two girls came in. And then three boys. All of them fully armed.

"Who in the world are you people?!" IU asked

Her confused face wasn't the only one. The others were confused too.

"We're the team with ex mafia trainees" Yugyeom spoke

"Wait- so you mean these people were also kidnapped with you?" Jin asked

"Yup. We're known as The Damned Gang"  y/n said

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