Chapter 8

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It was Jin.

He looked at y/n with care and loving eyes. He patted her head to calm her down from her nightmare.

"'s ok that was just a nightmare." Jin whispered

Y/n calmed down a lot and looked at her brother with the same care and loving eyes. She thought of Jin as her knight in shining armor. He always made sure that y/n was safe, happy, and healthy. Another mother-like figure to her. But then the scary angry look came back to her mind.

"Thanks Jin oppa" y/n smiled at him a bit.

"Hey don't be scared of us. We were just a bit angry and that's why we get scary. I promise you we won't scare you again" Jin spoke. Y/n was jungshook as he read her mind.

Was she that obvious ?!

"Now go to sleep miss. Tomorrow we will go to a amusement park. How does that's sound princess"

"AMUSEMENT PARK ! I LOVE IT. THANK YOU OPPA" y/n got up from her bed and hugged her brother

Jin laughed seeing his little sister act like a 5 year old. But he already thought of her as a 5 year old and not 17. Jin started telling a story to help y/n fall asleep. Y/n also helped him make certain parts of the story. They both had such a magical bonding time together.

As Jin finished the story telling, he saw y/n sound asleep. He kissed her forehead and placed a teddy bear in her arms. He switched of the lamp light, and quietly closed her room door and left.

The sun hit y/n's eyes and she woke up. She smiled looking at her surroundings. She was finally at home. Today they would all go to a amusement park so y/m was very excited and joyful.

She went downstairs for breakfast. Everyone ate and had a wonderful time. Y/n ate only a little since she was used to not eating breakfast at all.

After a few hours, everyone got ready for leaving to the amusement park. Y/n dressed up and wore light makeup since she is already beautiful without it. This is what she wore:

The Kim family arrived at the amusement park

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The Kim family arrived at the amusement park. They separated into three groups.

One with mom and dad. Second with Jin, hobi, jimin and y/n. Third with Namjoon, yoongi, taehyung and jungkook.

The first group went to the boat ride area. The group with y/n went to the game tents where you had to hit the target with a water gun to get a prize. The last group went to the roller coaster. Jungkook basically dragged the other three there because they were scared.

"Yah jungkook-ah! I don't want to puke out my breakfast" Namjoon said

"Hyung, your being dramatic. It's fun" jungkook replied

"Kookie, please you don't want me to die early,do you" tae spoke. Jungkook rolled his eyes from the dramatic scene.

"Who would have thought that the world's biggest and dangerous mafia gang is scared from this baby ride" jungkook spoke

"Ugh!" Yoongi spoke.

"I want a prize from those games" y/n whined.

"Don't worry, I will win a prize bear for you y/n" hobi spoke.

"Yah no ! I will" Jin spoke with a challenging tone

"Well it's on then. If it's a challenge you want then it's a challenge you'll get" hobi said

The two started playing games. And they included a lot of shouting and screaming. It was quite embarrassing so Jimin took y/n to the food trucks to get some popcorn to eat together. Then, they sat on a bench as they watched their hyungs/ oppas fight and scream like kids.

"Y/n, I'm so happy that we are together and reunited again" jimin spoke

"Me too, you know everyday I felt sad since there was no one I could call my home and happiness, no one who would feed me, care for me, support me or protect me. I mean Joy and her parents gave me all that but it wasn't the feeling of real family because she was just my cousin" y/n said

"We were very closed and cold and dark, but now I'm happy seeing the others and myself change and live like normal people for once" jimin said.

The two had a deep conversation, sharing their thoughts and emotions.

Jimin, being the most funniest and happiest among all of his brothers during mafia missions or just at school, had the most pain in his life. Y/n was shook when he shared his worries and pain.

Well, it's true what they say, those who suffered the most are the most happiest people.
(be sure to check in on those who seem very happy and cheerful around you, you never no what they could be hiding behind that smile)

Everyone met at the entrance of the amusement parks and by the looks, everyone had an amazing time. The missing piece was finally here and completed the puzzle. Now everytime during family dinners, the emptiness would not be felt.

It was turning evening and everyone was very tired. They ate dinner and went up to their rooms.

Y/n was in her room, arranging some books on her shelves with calm music playing in the background. She picked up a book that she really loved. It was given as a gift by her cousin, Joy.

"Ah, Joy unnie I miss her so much" she spoke in her head.

Someone knocked on her door. She opened it and saw yoongi.

"Oh hello oppa, come in" y/n said. Yoongi and her went inside her room. Yoongi sat one her bed while she sat right in front of him.

"How's the room ? I was the one who made sure everything is according to your liking" yoongi spoke.

"Oh oppa, don't worry, it's more than perfect. I don't even care about the room. I'm with my family so that's most important" y/n said making her brother smile.

"Oh uhm, wait here" he said and ran outside, leaving y/n confused. He returned back holding a cup in his hands.

"A warm glass of milk ! I always used to do this when you were young. I made sure you were healthy and always tucked you to bed" he spoke. Y/n teared up.

"Oh gosh, I will cry now. You are so sweet oppa. I love you" she smiled and hugged Yoongi.

He hugged her back with silent tears coming out.

It grew darker in the night and y/n did her night routine. She asked Yoongi to tuck her in like before to which he agreed without a doubt. They recreated the old times which made the both of them very emotional and elated.

Y/n fell asleep and Yoongi quietly left her room like how it used to be back then.

Hey !
Another chapter is here. Once I finish all the bonding times with all the 7 of them, then I'll add the drama.

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