Chapter 10

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Morning arrived and y/n got dressed and ready to go for school. She wore this:

Today she also had a dance class where she would be doing some hard choreography so she packed some other clothes to where after the class as she would be sweaty in these clothes

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Today she also had a dance class where she would be doing some hard choreography so she packed some other clothes to where after the class as she would be sweaty in these clothes.

She came downstairs, not seeing her brothers, which made her upset. But her parents were on the table, eating their breakfast. She sat down with them and exchanged morning wishes.

"Mom dad where are my oppas ?" She asked

"They had some work to do so they won't go to school today. Do you need some bodyguards to keep you safe" dad spoke

"Ani, school is a safe place so don't worry. Well I'll see you guys later, byeee !" Y/n got up without eating proper breakfast.

"Y/n-ah, eat your breakfast. You just ate a banana only" her mom yelled at her but she was gone already. "Ah, well I tried" she sighed. She and her husband got up and left for their work.

Y/n was in the car in the back while the driver was driving. She asked him a question.

"Mr...uh who"

"It's Roger, miss y/n" he answered

"Oh ok. Mr Roger sir, why were there many parking spaces. Do we have that many cars" she asked shocked

"Yes, they belong to your brothers and parents. Everyone have a separate car and your parents have one together. There are other cars are for us to be a driver to them if they don't want to drive their cars" he spoke.

Y/n was surprised since she all her life never lived in a very rich environment. Joy was rich and all, but not sooooo rich like her family.

Roger told her what colors were there and whose.

The black Jeep was jungkook's, the dark blue car was taehyung's, jimin had the light blue car similar to his soulmate, Namjoon had a grey Jeep car, hobi had a red car, yoongi had a dark grey car, Jin had a white car and mr and Mrs Kim had a black limo sized car.

Y/n was shook. She loved all the colors and hoped to ride in all of them one day.

Her phone rang and it was a video call from her brothers. She picked up and all of them said sorry for not being there in the morning. They talked a bit together till y/n arrived at her destination. She ended the call.

Y/n arrived at school and met up with the Fab Five gang members, (the 17 year olds, they have the most classes with y/n since they are of same age) beomgyu, Taehyun, Kai and Lisa

Y/n had just finished her dance class and was all sweaty so she decided to change.

Surprisingly, she had a great day because her overprotective brothers were not here to kill some boy who just glanced at y/n. She got many hi's from boys, it's been so long since she talked to a boy who wasn't txt or bts or someone she knew.

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