Chapter 42

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Currently, there was a mass meeting happening at BTS's headquarters. There was some racket going on and a issue with some of their rivals.

One of their rivals had stolen some of the Kim's drugs. Another of their rivals had stolen those drugs from their first thief.

The maknae line was already out in the action scenes at their first rivals place. The hyung line was at the second place.

Mrs.Kim just watched the cctv and remained as a active helped for her kids. And lastly, Mr.Kim was at their own headquarters, torturing some already caught thieves.

"I'm asking again Waein-shi. Where are those drugs your filthy gang stole" Mr Kim asked quietly

"I don't know, please believe me" Waein cried

"Aright, if that's how you wanna play this game.." he spoke and got up.

He went towards a table kept at the side. He removed the cloth from it, revealing all sorts of tools kept. Scissors, pliers, cutter, knives, pistols and more.

He moved his hand across the tools and picked the cutter. He turned around again to face Waein, the caught thief.

" wanna speak or shall I write thief across your arm with this sharpened cutter" he spoke

"No! No! No! Please leave me! Please I beg you" Waein cried

Mr.Kim shook his head and bend down at Waein's arm. He rolled up his sleeve and did what he had told.

Bts were meanwhile killing all the people at their places. And Mrs.Kim was guiding them. The killing family.

Meanwhile, inside her room was the naive y/n, playing games on her phone, hanging upside down from her bed.

"I hope mom and dad will get back from whatever business they had in their office soon. And those brothers of mine from whatever business they have. Why is my family so busy ugh" she sighed

"Lisa invited you? Ok then I'll drop y-"

"NO I mean no it's alright Jin oppa. I can go myself, you need to rest here and here only" Y/n spoke alerted

"But-" Jin was cut off twice

"No buts! You stay here and don't tell the others too ok? Please please please"

"Fine y/n. But you better come home before 9. Or I will come there!"

"Yes yes yes I know. I need to get ready byee" she ran upstairs and shut the door

Today was Monday. The day on which IU had told y/n to come to a restaurant for her surprise. She wanted to give y/n a surprise gift for all y/n had done for her. So that's why y/n made an excuse about going to Lisa's house alone to Jin.

AT 6:30 PM
Y/n was all ready to go to her surprise. IU messaged her good luck and that seemed to worry y/n more than give her good luck. What did IU plan for her surprise?



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