Chapter 11

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Yoongi had dodged the vase but it fell on the floor with a loud smash near y/n. Y/n, who didn't see it coming, accidentally stepped on the broken vase pieces and then yelled in pain.

Jin eyes widened after he saw what he had done. He came back to his senses after hearing his sister's yell.

Meanwhile, the maknae line immediately rushed to y/n's aid. Jungkook lifted her in bridal style and placed her gently on the couch. Jimin had got the first aid kit and he and taehyung wrapped up y/n's bleeding foot.

It wasn't bleeding very much since the cut wasn't deep but bts, being the overprotective brothers they are, wrapped the foot like it was bleeding like crazy.

Hobi was right beside y/n the whole time, holding her hand as she got her foot bandaged by the soulmates. She had shed a few tears by the pain. Namjoon had brought a tissue box and wiped off the tears.

Yoongi just sat beside them all, still processing what happened. Then he got up and went to his room after earning glares from the rest of bts when he tried to see y/n.

As for Jin, he was shocked by his own actions. He also tried to approach y/n and the others but a very angry and raging jungkook blocked his way which forced him to go upstairs to his own room instead just like Yoongi. Of course, all of bts were mad and angry at Jin and Yoongi.

Y/n though was not angry, rather a bit scared and disappointed. She didn't think Jin would try to hurt his own brother just for her. It made her upset and she started crying again. The rest of them calmed down. She was obviously scared by what had happened and they had a scary face when angry which didn't help a bit. They calmed their angry faces.

"Sorry we didn't mean to put our angry scary faces back. We didn't mean to scare you" Namjoon spoke

"It's not that. It's just that Jin oppa's actions scared me a lot and I'm disappointed. I don't wanna cause any more problems between you guys" she spoke

"Y/n-ah. It's not your fault or ours. If anyone is to blame its Yoongi and Jin. They both are literally the eldest. And it makes me upset and mad to think about their actions today" Jungkook hugged her hard.

The others agreed to jungkook about their hyungs being not a good figure.

Mr and Mrs Kim had gotten to know about what had happened and were very mad at bts. They took y/n to the hospital to get proper bandaging and creams that would help the wound better. They returned home and Mrs Kim put y/n to bed. Then, the couple went to bed too.

Y/n had been upset a lot about today and decided to call Yoongi over to her room. She wanted to call Jin too but she was a bit scared. She called Yoongi through her phone and seconds later he knocked on the door and came inside.

The two had a long talk over what happened. Yoongi was disappointed that he forgot to pick y/n up. Y/n said it was fine as he thought someone else would pick her. It was a misunderstanding and so it was fine. She asked Yoongi and Jin to apologize later together to which he hesitantly agreed.

Night came upon and Yoongi tucked y/n to bed and left her room quietly.

As y/n had asked, Yoongi apologized to Jin and Jin did too. They both apologized and agreed that it was a misunderstanding.

"I'll be more careful next time about who should pick her up. I say we make a timetable or go together to pick her" Yoongi spoke

"I'll never ever throw something at any of you guys in anger. It was my angry side that showed up and I wasn't in my senses" Jin apologized.

The rest of bts we're watching them and went to them to apologize as well. For being rude and the misunderstanding. The brothers were one big happy family again.

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