Epilogue 💘

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"Happy 3rd birthday my grandchildren" Mrs Kim cheered

"You are so big now" Jisoo chuckled as she looked at y/n's kids.

"My worldwide beautiful and handsome queen and king" Jin laughed

"Jackson, hold Areum for me for a while" Lisa spoke

"Baby daddy is hereee" Jackson came in all goofy

"He's not only your kid's daddy...." beomgyu whispered earning a slap on the arm from his wife

"Don't make dirty remarks in front of kids!" his wife whispered

It was Soobin and y/n's twins 3rd birthday. By now everyone had their own families and lives going on. Y/n and soobin had twins and the day she broke the news to him, he was on clouds so happy.

Bts were so happy that some of them *ahem* the non-emotional Yoongi *ahem* started crying. After the party, everyone went home as they needed to take care of their kids and get rest for the night.

"Soobin! Can you tuck in our kids to bed, I'm doing the dishes" y/n yelled

Soobin came into the living room and chased his two kids who didn't want to sleep. When he finally caught them, he took them in his arms to go to bed.

"I caught you devils" soobin laughed

"Mommy! Daddy is being rude" hwan cried

"Soobin!" Y/n shouted

"Ok ok!" Soobin responded

He took them into the bedroom and tucked them in.

"Goodnight my princess, Heiran. Goodnight my prince, Hwan" soobin kissed their foreheads

He closed the twins' cot lock and the bedroom door and went to the living room.

"Babe, let's watch a movie together now that we got some us time" he said

"I'm coming, choose a movie" y/n replied

Y/n came in and they both started the movie, cuddling each other with a blanket on top to save them from the cold. The movie didn't even end when y/n fell asleep.

Soobin turned off the tv and stared at his beautiful wife, thinking how lucky he was to have her as his wife and two amazing kids.

It all started many years ago, when she shifted to Korea and now they were married with kids. He smiled remembering all those moments. He kissed her on the forehead and fell asleep with his head on hers and hers on his.


The next day came by quickly, and y/n was visiting her family there. Bts were also coming. Everyone had lunch together and their kids played with each other.

It was almost night time and y/n and bts were outside in the garden laying in the grass, remembering past years.

"And remember how y/n said she'd give me ice cream if I left her alone that day when we bumped at school" Jimin laughed

"And that time we punched the sh*t outta soobin when we found out they were dating" Jungkook spoke

"That was you, and now remembering it is so embarrassing" y/n laughed

"How did this happen. One day we were teens and all going to school and not being responsible and now we're all married and living busy lives" Jin spoke

"Ah...How fast time flies" Namjoon spoke

"We're so busy nowadays with our own lives and today we got the time to just talk finally" hobi said

"I know right" taehyung spoke

"It's kinda sad, but it's life" Yoongi shrugged

"I'm so glad I found you guys again after 12 years apart..." y/n spoke

"We're so glad too! Never separating again" Jungkook cheered

"I love you guys..."

My long lost mafia brothers
Thank you for reading !
I love you all so much, thanks for supporting and loving this book 💜
This is the end 🥺💓

Remember again- this isn't a goodbye and it never will be!!!!!!

(New book is already started- My stepbrothers in disguise)

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