Chapter 23

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Y/n met up with blackpink at the mall entrance. Since it was Sunday, weekend, many people were at the mall. They all first went to Chanel then to Prada and then many more stores.

After an hour or so, txt arrived as well from their basketball tournament. They were shook to see that the girls had bought billion things already.

"Girls are just so-" beomgyu trailed off, earning glares from the girls

"I dare you to finish that sentence" Lisa said angrily

"Why would he, he doesn't want to die young" Kai joked and then Jennie started to chase him around the whole mall.

"I'm going to go to the washroom real quick and meet you guys at the food court ok?" Y/n said

"Sure see ya soon" Rose spoke and they two went separate ways.

After she had done her business, y/n touched her makeup up and walked out of the washroom. That's when she noticed suho standing in front of a store, looking at some clothes.

"Window shopping?" She asked

"Oh hey y/n, yeah so far I didn't see anything that's my style" he said

"Oh I saw a store right at the corner where there are many clothes of your style" she said

"You still remember what is my style" he laughed and smiled

"Yeah well we dated for so long, I mean that's what would happen" she said

Suho and y/n walked to the corner where there was a store, full of clothes of suho's liking. He invited y/n to help him decide what to wear.

Y/n was annoyed and angry as he cheated on her even if he didn't mean it and came back for her plus knew he was trying to convince her that she still loved him. I mean it was kinda true, kinda not- unloving the person that was the reason for your smile, now the reason for your tears is hard.

"Uhm I have to go to my friends, they are probably waiting for me" she said

"O-ok no problem" he said, y/n turned to leave when he mumbled, "sorry"

"Huh?" She turned back and spoke

"Sorry" he spoke much more clearly

"Why sorry" y/n asked

"I know me coming back may have triggered your past and all. I know that you are worried. I see it in your eyes. Your worried it might come back right"

She let tears fall out, "You know me so well" she laughed in between her tears

"It will eventually come back. It's just that seeing you triggered my memory of what happened before, you know the kidnappers and abuse" she spoke almost whispering

"Don't worry, no one knows except me and Joy. Joy isn't with you but I am. So I'll be there for you" he said

"Thanks PTSD is always been bad for me and-" suddenly the lights turned off

"What happened" y/n asked

"I have no idea, there's a guard" he said and walked over to him and asked what happened

"There are robbers with guns on the loose here at the mall, I suggest you hide somewhere" the guard spoke.

"G-guns?" Y/n's face was pale now, not because she was scared. Which she should have been since she is always at the no violence side. It was a different reason.

"Let's hide in that corner store" suho dragged y/n to the store and they hide behind the counter.

"Y/n, what happened. You look pale. Are you that scared. Come on nothing will happen" he said but y/n didn't speak, just looked at the floor

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