Chapter 20

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Tomorrow came in a flash. Today was Mother's Day so the first thing y/n did was wish her mom and give her a big bear hug. Taehyung helped her decide her outfit for the day. Outfit:

At school, Y/n was very confused to see that suho was absent

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At school, Y/n was very confused to see that suho was absent. It was his second day here. She had asked about it to Lisa and she too said it was rather suspicious. Unable to get further to the matter, they brushed it off.

It was a usual tiring afternoon, the Kim siblings were at home and their parents at work. Y/n decided to surprise her mom with gifts and some sweets. She ran downstairs to ask her brothers to go with her.

To her surprise, she saw bts discussing some work with papers messed up everywhere.

"Hey oppas can we go to-" hobi cut her off

"Sorry we are busy with work right now princess so we can't do anything" he said

"You can go upstairs and do stuff whatever girls do" jimin said

"Oh..okay.." she said disappointed

She was sulking in her room as her brothers didn't listen to her. Then she decided to still make her plan work.

"Nothing is gonna stop me" she smirked and then brushed it off immediately. She looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"What are you doing y/n, the last time you said this you...forget it I don't want to remember that" she spoke

She called her dad and asked about her plan to which he said yes. In a few minutes, he was outside the house and honked.

"Who is that outside honking" Yoongi said annoyed.

"It'" Namjoon said looking through the window. Y/n ran downstairs.

"Where are you going missy" Jin said

"You wouldn't listen to me or take me where I wanted to go so I asked someone else. And that's none of your business now. Carry on with your work which is more important than your own sister" she said and left the house and sat in her dad's car.

"Wait y/n we are sorry" jungkook shouted but the car drove off already.

"Damn it !" Taehyung said

"Now she's angry with us" jimin whined and then they all sighed and returned to the house.

"Glad you called me to have some father daughter time. We didn't even hang out much recently princess" dad spoke

"Yes father daughter time! Let's buy some sweet things for mom. You know her well right, obviously head over heels for her" she smirked playfully

"Yah ! Stop teasing me. But yes I know that she likes flowers, some specific ones. And also cake pops" he said

"Great, you get the flowers and I'll get the cake pops. Then, we can shop for ourselves and have the best time ever" she said happily

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