Chapter 35

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Next morning, yeonjun came in for the explanation just like he said he would. It was silent at first. The clock ticked every second slowly.

"So...?" Yeonjun raised his eyebrow

"He is just a friend of mine, and the only reason we were calling in night is because of my overprotective brothers who will kill him just because he is a guy. He is nothing more than a friend" Y/n explained in one breath quickly

"Ok. I just wanted to clear this, I don't want to see my baby brother get hurt or replaced, obviously you two are head over heels for each other" yeonjun said

"I think you should whisper that, if my brothers hear this, they w-" y/n was cut off

"F them. True love always beats everything. Learn from me, the flirt king, young child"

"Ok, so called flirt king yet doesn't even have a girlfriend, please go and check where the others are at. I told them to rest, especially soobin. He isn't taking this accident really well"

"Worried for your boo, don't worry he is fine" yeonjun teased y/n.

She face palmed herself mentally. The door suddenly opened.

"Hey sorry for disturbing but yeonjun-ah can you drop me home" Jennie asked

"Sure wait for me by my car I'm coming" he spoke while smiling. After she left, y/n spoke up.

"Oooh lookie here. We got a rare sight of yeonjun in love" she teased him

"I'm not in love" yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"Sure you aren't" y/n winked.

Days went by slowly. Y/n was recovering every day and getting better and better.

The others were living on with their lives too. Soobin and y/n were more closer than before, but still hid it from bts and their parents. Aifam and y/n talked secretly more often, as friends of course.

It was at last the day when y/n could be discharged from the hospital. She packed all of her things and got the last few bits of medicines and tests completed.

She and her family left from the hospital in their own cars.

From tomorrow onwards, y/n would be going to school. She was glad after being bed locked for so so so many days.

Mr and Mrs Kim were out getting some business done. So the kids were all home alone.

"Y/n, please tell jimin that he is short and I'm taller than him. He doesn't want to accept the reality and instead is trying to punch me" jungkook said running in to the living room, with jimin behind him, where everyone sat.

"Y/n, teach him to respect me" jimin added on

"Tell him he's wrong!" Both of them spoke at once.

"Uhmmm...I'm not even here I'm a hallucination" y/n said hiding herself in her phone screen

"See jimin, you are short and she just won't say that" jungkook said

"You little brat" jimin eyed him

"Yah! Both of you stop it" Jin shouted

"Yoongi hyung! He is trying to punch me" jungkook ran behind him

"Ugh, please don't touch me" he said grumpily

"Listen here you two, just apologize to each other" Namjoon said

"Him first"

"No him"

"BOTH of you say it on the count of three" Namjoon said. ""


Jimin and jungkook laughed. They knew each other too well to say sorry. Siblings never say sorry, they just make up in weird ways.

"Want to get some popcorn!" Jimin asked

"Yeah, I'll get the computer ready. Let's play overwatch" jungkook said.

"What the- weren't you two just fi-"Namjoon was cut off



"Oh my goodness, Jin hyung and hobi stop being so dramatic while playing monopoly" Namjoon sighed.

Jin and hobi started shouting while playing, Jimin and Jungkook started arguing over the controller to the overwatch game, Yoongi was chasing taehyung who had spilled his drink on him and y/n just laughed at the chaos.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Kim family household" Namjoon spoke with a done face towards a invisible camera.

"Aifam...please tell me you found out about my stalker" y/n spoke on her phone secretly under the bed covers.

"I think he has something to do with the drug loaders"

"Drug loaders? Oh I remember now. Yes I agree. He could be related to that. I just hope whoever he is stops stalking me"

"Let's hope for the best, keep an eye out tomorrow at school. Any suspicious person is our target. We will punch them to death!"

"I will. If I see him, I'll just end him on the spot. Who does he think he is. More importantly does he know who I, THE KIM Y/N, am" she scoffed

Little did y/n know, she had already seen him.

"Calm your horses down y/n. Get some sleep" he then spoke, "one more thing, so now that this and all is happening, should I call you Sapphire. And you can call me flash"

"Yah! Don't use those names unless and until you know when. Not now."


"SH*T SH*T SH*T, I GOTTA GO GO" y/n quickly ended the call in panic and threw her phone somewhere

Taehyung came inside her room.

"Hey y/n! Were you talking to someone on the phone? I heard sounds"

"Not no NO. NOT at all" y/n said forcing a smile.

"You sure...remember our rules. No lying" he eyed her

"Pfft..I remember them all. Why on earth would I lie" she fake laughed

"Yeah anyways do you want to... huh, what's your phone doing over there" he gave a weird look.

"My phone ?" she looked over to see it dangling from the window.

"MY PHONE!" she gasped and quickly ran over to rescue it while taehyung laughed.
Sorry for the short chapter 👇🏻
Thank you for the sweet messages on the previous chapter
Please stay safe everyone
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