Chapter 4

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Y/n had red eyes from crying the whole night. She realized that Bts sister disappeared when she was 6 and she herself was kidnapped at 6.

Y/n was very tired so she didn't attend school today.

If the confusion is true, Bts are her brothers and she will reunite. She turned happy after thinking of this thought. She will have a family again, who will protect her, take care of her, support her and most importantly, love her.

Y/n didn't eat breakfast and went to a park to get some fresh air for a few hours. She was trying to clear her head when her phone buzzed. (She had exchanged numbers with Blackpink and txt) It was Soobin.

 (She had exchanged numbers with Blackpink and txt) It was Soobin

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"Ok, well I have some time before meeting him. It's 1:30 pm right now. I'm kind of hungry since I skipped breakfast, let's get something to eat" y/n thought in her head.

She went to a nearby grocery store and bought a pack of ramen and a bottle of fresh grape juice. Then she went home to make her lunch.

Time skip to 3:30 pm
It was time to leave and go to the cafe where soobin had asked y/n to come to.

Y/n got dressed. She made a high ponytail and put light makeup since she's already beautiful naturally. She wore this and then got into a bus, leaving for the cafe. (she's 17 so she can't drive herself)

As the bus stopped in front of the xxx cafe, she got off and went inside

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As the bus stopped in front of the xxx cafe, she got off and went inside. Her eyes moved left and right, trying to find the specific someone who invited her here in the first place.

"Great, he's late. It's already 4 ugh" y/n sighed as she sat in on of the empty seats of the cafe.

Just then, two people who looked very rich, entered the cafe. One of them was a male, tall, handsome and had a expressionless face. The other one was a female, she was beautiful, with a warm smile on her face.

They both had completely different auras when alone, but when they were together, only love was seen and felt.

"Such a cute couple. I wish I had someone like that, who can be my husband, best friend, crime partner all in one" y/n thought as she tapped the table with her finger nails.

The two new customers both walked up to one of the near empty seats, close-by to y/n and sat down. Within a few seconds, a waitress came to take their order as if they were very important people. After taking their orders the waitress came to y/n for her order.

"I'll just get a mocha" she spoke in her angelic voice making the couple, sitting near y/n, look at her.

Y/n was trustrated and tired of waiting for soobin so she ordered her order. As the waitress who took her order went in the kitchen, another one came to her.

"Miss, they are calling you over there for something" she point toward the couple.

Y/n, very confused, got up and went to their table.

"Hello, called me?" Y/n asked in a polite and sweet voice. The couple looked at her and nodded.

"Hello dear, I'm Mrs.Kim and he is my husband, Mr.Kim" Mrs.Kim spoke

"Oh well hello Mr. and Mrs. Kim" she bowed and smiled

"You caught our eyes as soon as we saw you. Your face...seems very familiar" Mr.Kim spoke with a gentle voice. He had turned sweet while talking to y/n, usually he's cold. "What's your name"



"Oops sorry" he awkwardly walked to the corner sitting down in an empty seat.

"My friend's here, I better get going. I will see you around. Goodbye" y/n bowed to Mr and Mrs Kim. She walked over to soobin.

"Soobin is her friend?" Mrs Kim spoke in confusion

"What was that all about" she laughed.

"At least you could say I made an unique entrance" he winked and joked.

They laughed and talked about the fight of Kai and taehyun and y/n's health. Soobin paid for both of their orders as a apology for arriving late even though y/n begged him not to. After chatting for a long time, they left.

Mr and Mrs Kim looked over to them as they walked out.

"Could it be..." Mr Kim said.

"I know very well of who I kept in me for 9 months. It has to be, we never found the body because she never died. She disappeared. Maybe she's still alive like you always say" Mrs Kim spoke.

"Maybe she is her after all" mr Kim said. He messaged one of his guards to do a background check on the girl.

The couple left the cafe after drinking their order.

Thank you for reading!!
Take my love 💘💓💝💗

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