Chapter 18

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It was almost 11am and y/n was still in bed sleeping as she was tired by yesterday's flight and party. She had stayed up during the flight, replying to birthday wishes and thinking of how grateful she was to have friends and family like hers.

(Ps: this dream is  kinda like Love story by Taylor Swift so yeah go check out the video above for imagination. The whole royal part is her dream)

In her dream, she stood there in a beautiful gown inside a castle, looking through the window. She was waiting for her prince to run away with. Soobin, her prince, appeared outside in the castle and waved at her through the window. She immediately left the window and ran outside to him.

There eyes met and they ran towards each other and when they stood inches apart, they leaned close, closer and then were about to kiss when suddenly someone shouted,


She woke up in shock and saw Jimin there. He was smiling mischievously.

"Is there a fire!" she panicked

"Relax, I'm just waking you up my way since you never wake up. Sounds like someone who is Yoongi and jungkook's sister" he said

"Omg Jimin oppa, I was having such a nice dream and you ruined it" she cried

"Really what was it about" he asked

"Nothing just uhm..... Nutella. I love Nutella so much" she answered

"Well whatever that's weird but who can I blame, I once had a dream about chicken noodle soup. Anyways, mom is calling you downstairs for breakfast. Remember no school today but there will be a party tonight and we all are going" he said

"Yeah I know, now please kindly go. I'll be there in a minute" she said. He left the room.

"Chicken noodle soup...? Talk about weird dreams" she then blushed remembering her real dream.

Y/n decided to sort her gifts from yesterday since it was all a mess, too many.

"Boi, I'm definitely spoiled" she sighed. "Why can't I get normal not expensive stuff, I'm grateful and all but this is too much like way too much" she laughed

She had got many gifts, so here's what she got from who:

Mom and dad- A ice cream shop and A amusement park

Yeonjun- Gold Vase with y/n name carved on it 
Soobin- Real diamonds Jewelry set
Beomgyu- Dior latest perfume set
Taehyun- Real gold jewelry set
Kai- Newest Prada shoe collection

Lisa- New heels and sneakers by Gucci
Rose- Makeup set by y/n's favorite celebrity
Jennie- Chanel handbag and sweater
Jisoo- Guess perfume set

Jin- unique designed bracelet (one of a kind)
Namjoon- Unique designed necklace (one of a kind)
Yoongi- Louis Vuitton entire new dress collection
Hobi- Prada lastest unreleased dress collection
Jimin- Entire factory of her favorite chocolates
Taehyung- All Gucci bags and purses and latest clothes
Jungkook- Entire factory of her favorite coffee shop

Joy- A pretty dress custom designed from Celine (shipped from NY today to SK)
Some more gifts shipped from other countries, from her cousins, friends in New York and relatives.

(She is really spoiled)

It was 5 already and so mom and y/n started to get ready even though the party was at 7pm. As for the boys and dad, they told they would get ready around 6 pm. Hey, girls need more time to get ready!

After an hour of whining about their makeup, dress and perfection, y/n and mom finally finished getting ready and it was already 6:30 pm. Mom had a beautiful, long, silver colored dress with silver jewelry and heels. And also makeup done beautifully.

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