Chapter 41

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"This dress is amazing! I'm buying it. I have the perfect heels for it at home" y/n excitedly spoke.

She was at the mall with two bodyguards watching her from afar so they don't disturb her. She had asked permission from her mom since she knew that if her mom said yes then her dad would say yes as well. And no overprotective, grumpy brothers could try and stop it.

After she bought the dress for tonight, she went out of the store only to bump into someone. Y/n looked up to see a guy from her high school, Baekhyun.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. Forgive me" he pleaded.

"Hey ! Hey! Relax" she chuckled.

(A/n: Baekhyun is in y/n's classes so her brothers also know him. If you remember, he had met y/n's brothers before in the earlier chapters. When y/n fainted, Baekhyun was the timid nerd guy who informed bts)

"What'd are you doing here though. Are you going to go to that party too?" she asked

"Huh? Oh right. Well I decided I should go since my social life is dead. You'll be going too so I'll come too" he replied.

"Did you find any clothes to go there?" y/n said

"No...I'm too hungry to shop right now so I was heading to the food court. Wanna tag along? Or maybe I could come with you and we can shop together?" he said

"This guy is really pushing his luck with me. Why's he being clingy" y/n thought in her head.

"Sure let's go to the food court. We'll buy some fries and then you can shop later" she said

"Yeah with you" he smiled

"Uhm..yeah I guess with me" she said.

"Y/n look there, is that your ex?" Baekhyun pointed somewhere.

Y/n looked at the pointed direction. No one was in sight who was looking like her ex. Baekhyun took the chance and grabbed the last fry from y/n and ran as fast as he could.

"YAH! You trickster. That was my fry!!" she started to run behind him.

People looked at them so weirdly. But did it look like they care, no. They ran and ran till Baekhyun bumped into a guy with broad shoulders and then he fell down. Y/n, who was right behind him, also tripped on him and fell down.

"Ouch! Dumb person!" Baekhyun whined, rubbing his arm.

"Can't you see me? Standing right here!" the guy they bumped into spoke.

"Wait that voice is familiar. Almost sounds like.." y/n slowly looked up to see the last person she wanted to see her.

Kim seokjin. And Namjoon standing right behind him. Both of them were looking confused but they were also glaring at baekhyun.

"Y/n?" they both asked at the same time.

"Oh uh...uhm...uh...hi ?" she stuttered shakily.

I'm so dead, she thought.

"What's going on?" someone asked.

Y/n peeked behind them to see taehyung coming up with the other brothers. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. I'm so dead. She wanted to die right on the spot.

"Y/n? And this guy from your classes, the nerd?" hobi asked confused

"Hey y'all uhm...what's up" y/n fake laughed then got up and stood there worried.

"Who gave you permission to come here?" Yoongi asked glaring

"I don't need the permission to shop. But for real, mom and dad allowed me" she spoke

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