Chapter 37

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"Where is that girl!" Jungkook stormed into the house.

"Maid !!" He yelled. The maid came running. He asked her the question.

"She arrived here a few minutes ago. Sir Chanyeol took her out to their special place as she was a bit stressed. They are close like siblings so he knows how to deal with her" she spoke timidly

"Now we wait" Jin sat down on the couch

"And now we wait" Namjoon sighed while sitting on the opposite couch of Jin.

Like the maid has said, chanyeol and y/n were close like siblings. And he knew her quite well and how to solve her problems.

So Chanyeol brought her to a cliff. No, definitely not to push her off. High places are calming to y/n. Only wind and clouds.

When y/n had calmed down, Chanyeol dropped her off at home. Meanwhile he went off to sort some business at the office.

"Here she comes" jungkook stood up.

Everyone in the room looked at y/n, who had just entered. The atmosphere was tense. Jin broke the quietness.

"Explain." he spoke only one word. But with seriousness and a cold look. Not the sweet, caring and loving Jin y/n knew.

"Here goes nothing" y/n whispered to herself and took a deep breath.

"I was coming back to you guys hurriedly after realizing I was late. I was in such a hurry that I almost fell and it could've hurt me which is dangerous after my recent accident. But my new friend, Sehun, prevented it from happening. And Soobin, being that idiot he is, started fighting!" she explained

"And you think it is all Soobin's fault. Wow" hobi laughed like a maniac. Y/n was confused.

"Let's tell all the things wrong in this statement you gave" hobi spoke.

"First of all, you were late. For whatever reason. When you should be on time" Namjoon said

"Second, and even if you were late, you should have not had your phone on silent" Jin said

"Third, you say your dear friend, Sehun saved you. My dear sister, did you forget our rules about not having guy friends by any chance" jimin spoke tauntingly whilst giving a smug smile. Like he was enjoying the drama. Y/n gave him a stink eye in return.

"Fourth, soobin is not an idiot. He is older than you and you should respect him" taehyung said

"Fifth, you trust that 'newly' made friend of yours. Even when there is a stalker on the loose !? So how can you trust random people and make them your friends blindly during this time" jungkook spoke

"Lastly, you made soobin fight for no reason and bleed by trusting your so called friend. You should thank him for protecting you from trusting random strangers" Yoongi spoke

"But he isn't a random stranger" y/n spoke

"When will you learn" Hobi sighed

"I-" y/n sighed heavily with angry tears in her eyes, "forget it it's useless to talk now" she ran upstairs to her room and slammed the door hard.

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